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我特怵拍照。I'm horribly camera shy.

这小孩拼命嚎哭。The child howled horribly.

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我好冷,寒彻骨髓。And I'm cold horribly cold.

心灵已经变得非常肮脏。Her soul was horribly besmirched.

如今他怯生生极了。He was horribly scare usuaslyd now.

你是可怕错误的詹姆斯吉隆坡!You are horribly wrong james of KL!

我不能相信我竟会失败得这么惨。I can't believe I failed so horribly.

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真是太令我失望了。And that was horribly disappointing to me.

这一案例十分轰动,也是十足的惨剧。The case is sensational and horribly tragic.

朋友讲了一个冷笑话!Your friend tells a joke that's horribly corny!

我设法坐地铁回了家,仍旧感觉恐惧和不舒服。Imade it on to the tube, still feeling horribly sick.

但在过去十年,事情变得不对劲了。But in the past decade, something went horribly wrong.

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我设法坐地铁回了家,仍旧感觉恐惧和不舒服。I made it on to the tube, still feeling horribly sick.

那台钻机的声音响极了,十分刺耳。The sound of that drill jangles horribly on the nerves.

墙上被人用喷漆涂得乱七八糟。The walls have been horribly vandalized with spray paint.

小厨房的一角空空荡荡,看上去有点儿可怕。Its little shrine in the kitchenette seemed horribly empty.

曹操仓惶战败,几乎死在溃逃途中。Cao Cao lost horribly and almost got killed on the way back.

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我认为他的话说明了一切。退伍军人们被无情地利用了。I think that says ii all. The veteran has been used horribly.

一旦泡沫破灭,发展商将陷入深渊。If the bubble were to burst, developers would suffer horribly.

这一案例十分轰动,也是十足的惨剧。但是有多罕见呢?The case is sensational and horribly tragic. But how rare is it?