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欢迎收听“美国报道”!Welcome to Dateline USA!

立即开始。日界线4周。Start immediately . dateline 4 weeks.

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你干嘛要答应把截止日延后呢?Why do you want to agree to have the dateline extended?

在今天的“美国报道”中,我们将听到的内容是有关一种正在兴起的“慢餐”运动。In Dateline USA, we'll hear about a growing movement called Slow Food.

在有抬头的信里,日期往往只是很简单地由写信日期构成。On letterhead stationery, the dateline is simply made up of the date of writing.

在现场的记者们的报导已经综合成一篇发自巴黎的电讯。The stories of newsmen on the scene have been wrapped up under a Paris dateline.

打国际长途时除了要考虑时差,还要考虑国际日期变更线。Think not only of time zones when phoning abroad, but also the International Dateline.

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这使得它对于军事记者来说可以算得上一个神圣的报道地。That has made it something of a holy-grail dateline for reporters covering the military.

信的落款日期是1924年,差不多写于60年前。Then I saw the dateline -- 1924. The letter had been written almost sixty years earlier.

国家可自由选择是位于国际日期变更线的东侧还是西侧,萨摩亚的这一决定意味着所有的新地图将需要做出变动。Countries are free to choose whether the dateline passes to the east or west, and Samoa's decision will mean all new maps will need to change.

日期2020——今天我们在教会里庆祝神在过去的十年里为我们个人和团契所成就的一切事情。Dateline 2020 – Today at church we celebrated all the things God has done through individuals and small groups over this past Decade of Destiny.

纽约时报一篇发自新德里的报道引述一位据称是参与安排行程计划的美国官员的话说,奥巴马参观锡克教圣地金庙的计划被取消。The New York Times, in a New Delhi dateline report, quoted what it called an American official involved in planning as saying a visit to the revered Sikh religious complex had been ruled out.

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对流的30—50天振荡在赤道上具有自西向东的纬向传播,厄尔尼诺年传播可以通过日界线到达东太平洋地区,而正常年传播一般在日界线以西的地区出现截陷。The 30—50 day oscillation of the convection travels eastward along the equator, crossing the dateline into the eastern Pacific in the El Nino year and trapped to the west in normal years in general.