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龙翼小径化石场。Terror Wing Fossil Field.

一周后,更多的恐怖。A week later, more terror.

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她脸上露出惊恐的神色。Her face registered terror.

恐怖有人之神形。Terror the human form divine.

由于恐惧他脸部抽搐。His face twitched with terror.

狼特别怕火。The wolf has a terror of fire.

凯辛吓得脸色发白!Their faces blanched in terror.

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你的心必思想那惊吓的事,自问说,记数目的在那里呢。Thine heart shall meditate terror.

主线剧情﹐逃出荒岛的墓场。Escape from the graveyard of terror.

恐惧和恐怖会一直困扰着我。Fear and terror will always haunt me.

芙蓉镇笼罩在恐怖当中。Hibiscus Town were shrouded in terror.

伊朗必须停止支持恐怖。Iran must stop its support for terror.

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骑士们和妇人们惶恐逃窜。With terror the knights and ladie flee.

对于其他人来说,碎浪是恐怖之源。For others, they are a source of terror.

我们的国家不会被恐怖行动毁掉。Our nation will not be undone by terror.

帕夏会慢慢地展现出它的狰狞面容。Pacha only reveals its terror gradually.

突然地我听到一声哭喊,恐怖的哭喊声。Suddenly I heard a cry, a cry of terror.

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他利用人们的敬畏和惊骇维持统治。He used fear and terror to stay in power.

拿破仑·波拿巴,整个欧洲的恐怖。Napoleon Bonaparte, the terror of Europe.

还有5英尺8英寸高的极度恐惧中的我。And me, 5-foot-8-inches of abject2 terror.