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额外的潇洒和舒适适合不对称的鞋带设计。Asymmetrical lacing design for extra pizazz and a snug fit.

擦鞋店花边的一些黑色和白色运动鞋的白色花边。Shoe Shop Lacing on some black and white shoes with white laces.

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金属鞋带眼,能最有效地扎牢鞋带和均匀分布压力。Metal lacing eyelets for optimum fastening and pressure distribution.

运行花边甚至在陡峭的角度建立一个五格的方式。Run the lacing at an even steeper angle to create a five-way lattice.

其问题就是牵系着美国工业的“冰山一角”。Its problems were merely "the lip of the iceberg" lacing American industry.

不系带的方法多达技术创造一个超紧完成。Not a lacing method as much as a technique for creating a super-tight finish.

由于拉金对气流的阻碍,级内能量损失有一定程度的增加。Because of lacing wires' blocking effect, the energy loss in the stage increases.

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日利透气网舌系带系统提供了极好的适合性和舒适性。Gilly lacing system with breathable mesh tongue provides excellent fit and comfort.

这里面出的版本的领结拉筋是战役靴运用的各种军队与内侧的穿插。This inside-out version of Bow Tie Lacing is used on combat boots by various armies.

美国伞兵和礼仪警卫部队磨损跳转靴子白色阶梯花边。US paratroopers and ceremonial guard units wear jump boots with white ladder lacing.

双向拉标签和符合人体工程学的鞋带系统为一个精确的和容易适应。Dual directional pull-tabs and an ergonomic lacing system for a precise and easy fit.

由于某人穿过而且鞋带系得较紧,一些眼孔已被撕裂并修补过。As the person was wearing and lacing it, some of the eyelets had been torn and repaired.

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戴米恩医生向后靠在椅背上,十指交扣,放在肚子上,然后直直地望向玛格丽特。He leaned back, lacing his fingers together over his abdomen, and looked directly at her.

这一共同的系带是由戴伞兵和礼节警卫部队军事靴子。This distinctive lacing is worn on military boots by paratroopers and ceremonial guard units.

添加上手在每个交叉结摩擦和不断增加的花边更坚定。Adding an overhand knot at each crossover increases friction and keeps the lacing much firmer.

我把钱包拿出来,这才注意到这个棕色的皮夹边上缝着一条红色的边。I had taken out the wallet, which was a simple brown leather case with red lacing on the side.

像一个门路拉筋角度的版本,这个粉饰办法也戴在了军靴。Like an angled version of Ladder Lacing , this decorative method is also worn on military boots.

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裘诺斯终于把他的马裤找对了方向,然后从前面系好。Jonos had finally gotten his breeches turned the right way round and was lacing them up the front.

“尝试评价自己的作品是非常愚蠢的,”他常这样回击。"It's stupid to try to uate one's own works, " he says, lacing his answer with frequent expletives.

介绍了试验的情况和过程,对柱肢钢管纵向应变、环向应变、缀管的纵向应变等进行了分析。Detailed strain measurement and analysis were conducted for the longitudinal elements and the lacing tubes.