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股四头肌使后腿膝盖伸直。The quadriceps straightens the back knee.

可以锻炼大腿、髋部屈肌和股四头肌.Tones outer thighs, hip flexors and quadriceps. Burns 10

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四头肌肌肉让你的膝进入完全的延长。The quadriceps muscle brings your knee into full extension.

股四头肌伸展直腿,使膝盖保持在伸直状态。The quadriceps of the extended leg holds the knee straight.

四头肌和髌韧带显示正常信号强度。Quadriceps and patellar tendons show normal signal intensity.

大腿前侧的股四头肌使膝关节伸直。The quadriceps at the front of the thigh straightens the knee.

我们利用这个练习来锻炼腹肌和四头肌。This is a drill we use to strengthen the abdominals and the quadriceps.

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如果你站立的姿势太宽,就不能很好地加强股四头肌的肌肉。If your stance is too wide, you can't engage your quadriceps muscles well.

从上到下贯穿大腿前侧的股四头肌收缩,使膝关节伸直。The quadriceps down the front of the thigh shortens to straighten the knee.

只有股四头肌被加强的时候虚弱的膝关节才能得到加强。To strengthen weak knees, the quadriceps group of muscles need to be strengthened.

弓步也是维持股四头肌和腿筋力量的一种好练习。Lunges are also an excellent exercise for maintaining quadriceps and hamstring strength.

出于这个原因,被避免做充分延长膝关节和股四头肌主动练习。For that reason, full extension of the knee and active quadriceps exercises were avoided.

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高负荷运动组股四头肌组织睾酮水平在生长突增期升高。The quadriceps femoris T of the high intensity group increase in the growth spurt period.

他抓住我的手,放在他强有力的四头肌上,我能感觉这些肌肉群正在搏动。He grabs my hand and puts it on one of his immense quadriceps. I can feel him pulsing the muscle.

动力性因素包括了膝关节活动过程中股四头肌的方向和肌力等等。The dynamic factors are the direction and magnitude of the quadriceps action during knee movement.

目的观察采用肌替代术治疗股四头肌瘫痪的效果。Objective To observe the effect of the muscle replacement therapy for paralysis of the quadriceps femoris.

结论离心等速测试和训练过程中,必须考虑速度的因素。Objective To observe the influence of velocity on isokinetic eccentric torque of hamstrings and quadriceps.

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在12点钟位置向外推出你的股四头肌并拉回,在6点钟位置时的动作,就如同要刮去你鞋底的泥巴一般。Push outward with your quadriceps at the 12 and pull back, like you're scraping mud off your shoes, at the 6.

四头肌的柔软对在悬岩要常做膝盖向下的动作很重要。Quadriceps flexibility is crucial for the drop-knee move so frequently required on difficult overhanging routes.

如果进行纯粹的力量测试,四头肌和臀大肌则是人体中横纹肌纤维密度最高的地区。The quadriceps and gluteus maximus have the highest concentration of striated muscle fibers, a pure measure of strength.