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预后变得不良。The prognosis is poor.

特发性室速预后好。The prognosis of IVT is good.

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复发性脑出血预后不良。The prognosis of RCH is poor.

但是他的预后诊断并不确定。But his prognosis was uncertain.

但是这里的预知是让人烦恼的。But the prognosis here is worrisome.

室管膜囊肿的预后是良好的。Prognosis for ependymal cysts is excellent.

再灌注治疗可改善预后。Reperfusion therapy would improve the prognosis.

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恶性血管瘤、纤维肉瘤预后较差。Angiosarcoma and fibrosarcoma has poor prognosis.

前列腺淋巴肉瘤预后良好。The lymphosarcoma of prostate has a good prognosis.

对于病情的预判要视形成眩晕的原因而定。The prognosis depends on the source of the vertigo.

化疗后肿块纤维化预后好。The prognosis was better if the tumor was fibrotic.

只要不侵犯颅骨以外器官,SEG预后良好。Prognosis of SEG is good except invading other organs.

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宫颈粘液腺癌预后较差。Prognosis of cervical mucinous adenocarcinoma is poor.

粘液腺癌组预后不良。The prognosis of the myxoadenocarcinoma group was poor.

嗜伊红性腹膜炎为一自限性疾病且预后良好。It is a self-limited disease and has a benign prognosis.

这样医生的诊断岂不成了一个死咒了吗?It seemed the doctors' prognosis had been a death curse.

用于预测患者预后和远期生存状态。Predict patients' prognosis and fututre surviving state.

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使用弹簧圈栓塞材料操作简单,预后好。Treatment with coil is simple and have favourable prognosis.

其实在踏进那个房间之前我们对M先生的病情就已心知肚明了。We’d all known Mr. M’s prognosis before we entered the room.

目的回纹型风湿症转归和预后。Objective Progression and prognosis of palindromic rheumatism.