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心里也酣畅了。Earned the heart also.

我想我该喝这杯酒。I feel I've earned it!

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基于文档的所获得的价值。Document-based earned value.

他在倒卖股票的生意中赚了一大笔。He earned a lot by scalping.

他们自己打拼成功。They earned their own success.

给他挣来了一夜的酣畅。Has as earned a night's repose.

省一分,就是赚一分。A penny saved is a penny earned.

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你已经得到了一架X翼战机。You’ve earned an X-Wing Fighter.

指因销售商品所赚得之收入。Income earned from selling goods.

他值得拥有他所赚的东西。He deserves everything he has earned.

我的行动敏捷,受到他的赞扬。My quick action earned me his praise.

民航总局第一类在2007年获得评级。DGCA category I rating earned in 2007.

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他一贯堂堂正正地谋生。He has always earned an honest living.

这部长篇小说为他赢得文学奖。The novel earned him a literary award.

他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。His fair dealing earned our confidence.

他的英勇使他获得荣誉。His braveness earned him the reputation.

而最多的一年我可以挣三万六千美元。In my best year I earned 36.000 dollars.

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他在本周季第二周也曾获得过这一荣誉。He also earned the distinction in Week 2.

这荣耀是你该有的。享受吧,高手!Enjoy the glory, hotshot, you've earned it!

作为一个艺术家,他过的是朝不保夕的生活。He earned a precarious living as an artist.