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这是犹太大学的一部分。It is part of Yeshiva University.

该清真寺内设立有青海阿横伊斯兰教经学院。It has a Heng Islam Yeshiva of Qinghai in this mosque.

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纽约爱因斯坦犹太医学院的研究者们最近报告了他们的最新研究成果。Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York recently reported the latest findings.

包括塔夫茨大学,纽约大学,犹太高等学校等一些院校目前都报告了因Madoff欺诈造成的损失。A few schools, including Tufts, New York University, and Yeshiva University, have recently reported losses due to the Madoff fraud.

项目位于武汉武昌区的野芷湖畔,地块呈狭长形南北延展,以东侧长边临湖。Located along the Yeshiva Lake, the site runs North-South with its long edge facing the water to maximize the number of views of the lake.

纽约叶史瓦大学阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦医学院的劳埃德•弗里克研究过小鼠中的Cpe基因,但没有发现该基因和觅食行为或体重之间的联系。Lloyd Fricker at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York has studied Cpe in mice but has not found a link between the gene and feeding behaviour or body weight.

圣经法学的阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学院的研究人员说,女性比男性更有可能服用保健品,而且30岁以上的女性所占比例更大。The researchers, from Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, said women were more likely than men to take supplements and the proportion taking them went up after the age of 30.

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根据纽约耶希华大学爱因斯坦医学院的研究人员研究发现,高盐饮食并不会增加死亡的风险率,这与长期以来的医学信仰恰好截然相反。Contrary to long-held medical beliefs, high-salt diets may not increase the risk of death, according to investigators at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, New York City.

叶史瓦大学阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学院的研究人员之一安娜。库厄夫教授认为,癌细胞正是利用此过程来推动其异常迅速的增长。Prof Ana Cuervo, one of the researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, believes cancerous cells are using this process in order to fuel their abnormally rapidly growth.

有件事一直存在于,犹太教正统派而非其它犹太教,高中毕业后,很多学生到以色列,的“yeshive“学习“,也就是犹太学习的高等教育机构。One of things that has been going on in Orthodox Judaism not other Judaism is that after high school, many students go to Israel and study at what I called "yeshiva" which are institutes of higher Jewish learning.