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黛拉没有回答。Della did not answer.

他拥抱住德拉。He enfolded his Della.

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黛拉仍然每天哭着。Della still cried everyday.

“赶快把钱给我。”德拉说。“Give me quick ,”said Della.

黛拉和往常一样哭着,咳嗽着。Della cried as usual. Coughed.

德拉停了一会儿,喘着气。Della paused for a moment panting.

“快给我钱,”德拉说。“Give it to me quick,” said Della.

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您想买我的头发吗?“Will you buy my hair?” ashed Della.

令人高兴的是,黛拉最后没有让她失望。Happily, Della did not disappoint her.

德拉忐忑不安地从桌上跳下来,走到他身边。Della wriggled off the table and went for him.

黛拉随后又跑到爸爸的房间,打开了房间里所有的窗子。Della went to open all the windows in father's room.

黛拉总是不停地哭,但是没有人知道她为什么哭。Della was always crying, but nobody knew why she cried.

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黛拉不说话,只是继续哭,哭,哭。Della did not answer. She continued to cry, cry and cry.

德拉举办了她的手银链,靠近门口坐着。Della held the silver chain in her hand and sat near the door.

我们总是需要新鲜的肉类。We always need fresh meat," he responded in Corriere della Sera.

或许,黛拉是孤独的,她总是把自己锁在房间里。Maybe, Della was alone. She used to lock herself in her own room.

吉姆送给黛拉她一直想拥有的昂贵发梳。Jim gives Della the expensive combs she has wanted for a long time.

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吉姆好像从恍惚之中醒来,把德拉紧紧地搂在怀里。Out of his trance Jim seemed quickly to wake. He enfolded his Della.

尽管如此,德拉瓦莱还是表达出乐观的情绪,相信美国会找到一个解决方案。Still, Mr. Della Valle voiced optimism that a solution would be found.

事实上,艾达并没有走,她一直躲在门后看着黛拉。Ida had not left. She was hiding herself behind the door, watching Della.