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它必须涉及外界的人与事。I involve it, I learn it.

云雾笼罩着山顶。Clouds involve the mountain top.

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让我参与,我才会真明白…Involve me, and I'll understand.

组织活检可能需要多个样本。Biopsy may involve several samples

一个问题是爱包含哪些因素。One problem is what did love involve.

这些变化通常需要酶的参与Those changes usually involve enzymes.

一些训练程式牵涉到医生。Some are programs that involve doctors.

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迈克有很多强迫性症状都与汽车相关。A lot of Mike's compulsions involve cars.

你解决你的问题,别把我拉进去。Don't involve me in solving your problem.

通常,这样的攻击涉及到网路。Usually, such attacks involve the network.

别把他人牵扯进你的费事中去。Don't involve other people in your trouble.

参与坏品数和生产报废控制。Involve in WIP and production scrap control.

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它必须涉及外界的人与事。It has to involve people and things outside.

这将使整个罗马卷入一砞膳碌恼秸?。It would involve all Rome ina fearful strife.

把理念普遍深入的灌输每个人。Make it all pervasive, and involve everybody.

很多非热逸过程都离不开离子的参与。Many types of nonthermal escape involve ions.

一个项目可能会涉及到多个部门。A project may involve more than one department.

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在激情约会之时让KST参与进来是个好主意么?!Is it a good idea to involve KST in a hot date?

这通常和财富、和权力无关。This usually dosen't involve fortune and power.

他似乎说要作出很多的猜测。What he said seems to involve many conjectures.