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她没有说过她有多喜欢我。She doesn't verbalize how much she likes me.

再一次让学生描述他自己的进步。Once again, let the student verbalize his own growth.

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感情往往是你很难用语言表达。Feelings are often very difficult for you to verbalize.

他坎坷的一生很难用言语来表达。It is difficult to verbalize his lifetime of frustrations.

他这个年龄组的儿童在这一阶段通常不会用言语表达思想。Children of his age group don't usually verbalize at this stage.

大人指向安娜香蕉的“身材”各部门来先容它们的名字,如手以及脚。Point to the various parts of her "body" and verbalize their names.

大人指向奥兹橙的“身体”各部分来介绍它们的名字,如手和脚。Point to the various parts of his "body" and verbalize their names.

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就算你还没得出最终结论,你也可以说一个大概的想法。It's OK if you verbalize rough drafts of thoughts that you end up changing.

这时家长可以帮助孩子,交给他们语言,让他们表达这些情感。The parent can help the child verbalize these feelings, giving the child language.

但是如果你担心被误解,可以向那个你拥抱的人说出你的感觉。But if you are afraid of being misunderstood, verbalize your feelings to the person you're hugging.

所以他所寻找的是一种能用清楚,简单,易懂的语言表达思想的能力。So what he's looking for is an ability to verbalize an idea in clear, simple, understandable language.

妹妹的男朋友很喜欢我因为我把他想说却不能说的都说啦。My sister's boyfriend loves me because I am allowed to verbalize all the criticisms that he's thinking.

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并且,男人不需要或不珍惜得到任何赞美,所以女人倾向于喋喋不休与批评。Women think men don't want or value praise and acknowledgement, and so tend to only verbalize criticism.

指向奥兹橙的“身体”各部分来介绍它们的名字,如手和脚。Point to the various parts of Ozzie Orange's "body" and verbalize their names, such as the hands and feet.

罗马思想看看其他文化是如何用语言表达正面的情感的,希望这些词汇可以丰富英语语言,他把这些词汇分成三类。Lomas wanted to see how other cultures verbalize positive emotional concepts and he organized the words into three categories.

举例来说,一名教师描述她把一个陌生的单词拆分成不同的部分的思考过程,以便学生能够理解它。For example, a teacher might verbalize her thought processes for breaking an unfamiliar word down into its parts so that it can be read.

疼痛是一种主观体验,对于无法用语言表述自我感受的新生儿,疼痛评估变得复杂。Pain is subjective. Assessment of pain in neonates is often challenging and further complicated because they cannot verbalize their experience.

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那是一种很自由的感觉,当某一天,某一刻,你能将你当时的想法放进歌词。It's a freeing feeling when all of a sudden one day, you're able to verbalize exactly how you feel in a verse, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus pattern.

和首次约会的女人,无论如何语言上都不能涉及性方面,这会扼杀气氛,导致你只能一人过夜。With women you're on a first date with, whenever you verbalize anything sexual, it kills the mood for her and results in you sleeping alone that night.

这礼物显然通报着他不善用言辞表达的爱。这时我便会搂住父亲,吻他----这亲近的举动无疑会使他再度细腻。The gift was so apparently an offering of love he could not verbalize that I would throw my arms around him and kiss him--an act that undoubtedly perpetuated his behavior.