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一天早晨,他这样数落了他一次One morning, he threw him this admonition

我只派遣你为报喜者和警告者。But thee We only sent to give glad tidings and admonition.

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一部分门徒的培养也被看做是充满了非难和责备。Part of apostolic nurture was seen in rebuke and admonition.

那个打字员因粗心大意受到监督人的训诫。The typist received an admonition from the supervisor for being careless.

夏宁把那尊玉像小心的取出摆在书柜里面。The summer is rather like taking out of admonition to that jade and puts in the bookcase.

明代官员的进谏实践,进一步丰富了中国古代的进谏理论。The admonishing practice of many officials enriched the admonition theory in ancient China.

这个警告是对布什指责中国遏制言论和宗教信仰自由。The admonition was prompted by Bush's rebuke of how China stifles free speech and religion.

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这个简单的忠告——为代码编写文档,这可以节约您的时间。This one simple admonition -- keep your code documented -- will save you hours down the line.

吉布斯提到了相关的字眼,如总统”紧绷的下巴”、“该死的孔插入”。Gibbs mentioned the words “clenched jaw” and the president’s admonition to “plug the damn hole.”

有人问范思坦,他以一个犹太人不顾葛德华的劝阻来支持杰克逊,怎么说得过去呢?Feinstein was asked how he as a Jew could square his endorsement of Jackson with Koch's admonition.

如果您能遵守和履行这些道理,在社会、生活等方方面面上您会有利益和愉快的感觉。If all these admonition points of the Presiding Monk are followed, you will enjoy well-being happiness.

与前代相比,群体性的直谏、强谏成为明代官员进谏的显著特点。Comparing with the former Dynasty, the remarkable characteristic was group admonition in the MingDynasty.

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这就是神庙中的教训-“凡事皆勿过度”的真义。It is real significance of the admonition"everything don't excessively"that engraved on the Apollo temple.

行政责任的承担方式主要是申戒罚、财产罚和行为罚。The main methods of administrative liability are admonition punishment, property punishment and behavior punishment.

在他2005年斯坦福大学毕业典礼的演讲中提到,这本书的最后一期,以“求知若饥,虚怀若愚”结尾。The book, he said in his commencement address at Stanford in 2005, ends with the admonition “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”

“金缕衣”是皇帝专穿的衣服,故此诗有更深层的政治隐谏的意义。Since gold-woven dress is a monopoly of King, it gives the poem the political meaning of an implicit admonition in deep level.

另外,作为现代人,还应正确对待传统孝道中所包含的“无为与谏诤”的思想。In addition, a modern citizen should treat properly the thinking of "inaction and admonition" contained in traditional filial piety.

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泰坦们将巨石砸裂,而后扔向诸神,宙斯则将霹雳和雷电投掷到各处。The Titans tore up astronomic bedrocks and casting them at the gods, while Zeus bunged his arrows and his abatings in all admonition.

这个建议超越了传统的女性穿着要谨慎的建议,排在酒后乱性的指控之后。The advice, which goes further than the traditional admonition for women to dress modestly, follows allegations of drunken sex romps.

从历史的发展来看,明代官员在进谏方面的努力,可视为中国古代士人政治的挽歌。From the point of view of history development, the efforts in admonition reflected a factor that the bachelor politics was winding up.