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在政治方面,索恩先生是一个坚定的保守党人。In politics Mr. Thorne was an unflinching conservative.

毫不畏缩地进行重新评估成本会很高。The cost of this unflinching reappraisal will be large.

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新加坡在大宝森节期间,目睹兴都教徒们坚定的信仰。Witness the unflinching show of faith by Hindu devotees during Thaipusam festival.

所有理性模型的核心,都有着对自由市场的坚定信念。At the center of all the rational models lies an unflinching belief in free markets.

李在书中描写的黑暗势力那么生动精彩,一点也不亚于电视电影上的那些警察秀。Lee serves up riveting crime drama as dark and unflinching as TV's finest cop shows.

结果,他坚定看到了一个中等规模的中国城镇发生的巨大变化。The result is an unflinching look at the enormous changes wrought on a mid-sized Chinese town.

在管理化资本主义框架下,大企业为员工提供长期的工作保证,换来的是员工的忠诚。Under managed capitalism, big companies offered long-term security in return for unflinching loyalty.

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哈格德与马库斯对此缜密的研究为悲剧提供了坚定的分析解剖。This rigorous study by Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland provides an unflinching analytical autopsy of the tragedy.

因为当地民众毫不畏缩地反对化工厂的建设才最终导致化工厂另换新址。It was the local people's unflinching stand against the plant that ultimately resulted in its shifting from the site.

尽管危地马拉司法系统的贪污腐败是出了名的,罗森博格依然对法律的明晰和确定不移的判决倾心不已。Though Guatemala’s judicial system was notoriously corrupt, Rosenberg was drawn to the clarity of the law, to its unflinching judgment.

作为苏联劳改营的一名幸存者,他真实的记录了那里的痛苦,籍此让他的同胞看到了那些不为人知的历史。His unflinching accounts of torment and survival in the Soviet Union's slave labour camps riveted his compatriots, whose secret history he exposed.

这本书为这位并不总是令人钦佩的民主党人士但却是美国关键的总统用灵活的散文描绘了一幅坚定不移的肖像。An unflinching portrait of a not always admirable democrat but a pivotal president, written with an agile prose that brings the Jackson saga to life.

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换句话说,真正的友谊是敢于说出不同意见、直言规劝的,是能够就有争议的问题进行有原则的对话的。In other words, a true friendship which “offers unflinching advice and counsels restraint” to engage in principled dialogue about matters of contention.

从国际角度而言,那些导致今天环境问题的主要国家应该对尼泊尔施以援手,帮助其解决气候变化问题。Multilaterally , Nepal needs an unflinching commitment of help to address climate change from countries that contributed the most to creating the problem.

随着肯尼以他独特的魅力、幽默和坚守的尊严化解了家庭的矛盾、为人父以及下水道等问题,肯尼身上显露出澳大利亚特有的未经雕琢的钻石的美德。Kenny lifts the lid on one of Australia's roughest diamonds as he juggles family tensions, fatherhood and sewage with charm, humour and unflinching dignity.

作为一个发展中国家,中国将继续坚定不移地建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会,实现可持续发展。As a developing country, China will make unflinching efforts to build a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society and realize sustainable development.

交通在这座城市却是非常慢的。在闹市区为所有私家车,公交车以及毫无顾忌的行人的公路上为公交车开辟出专用通道却并未起到实质性的作用。Yet traffic was glacial. Giving buses priority lanes and signals made no difference in the zigzagging free-for-all between cars, buses and unflinching pedestrians.

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为了缅甸的民主而不懈斗争并因此获诺贝尔和平奖的翁山苏姬和摇滚乐团U2的主唱波诺一起出现在“英雄和偶像”的名单中。Aung San Suu Kyi, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for her unflinching fight for democracy in Myanmar, appeared in the "Heroes and Icons" category along with rock star Bono.

凹凸不平的坚定的亲和风格的处理性能,A850共享相同的24.6万像素传感器和几乎所有的旗舰相机功能,A900,去年推出。Ruggedly built for unflinching pro-style handling and performance, the A850 shares the same 24.6 megapixel sensor and virtually all features of the flagship DSLR-A900, introduced last year.

穆图不止一次说过,普兰德利对他“就像父亲”,他的队友和俱乐部高层也在诉讼程序中坚定地支持了他。Mutu has more than once described Prandelli as "like a father" and his team-mates and the club's hierarchy have all been unflinching in their support for him during his ongoing legal battle.