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多语种索引与停止的话免职。Multilingual indexing with stop words removal.

当你还是婴儿的时候,你完全不懂多种语言When you were a baby you were a multilingual fool.

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宽字元是两个位元组双语字元码。A wide character is a 2-byte multilingual character code.

课程仿佛一个表现多种语言学识的舞台。The course felt like a stage display of multilingual erudition.

需要为此应用程序添加多语言支持。You are going to add multilingual support for this application.

在这种环境下,您需要以多种语言形式构造查询。Under such circumstance, you need to construct a query in multilingual form.

全球其它地区的人不只是在学习英语,他们正成为讲多种语言的人。The rest of the world is not just learning English. It is becoming multilingual.

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随后,新闻官员们参观了中国网多媒体演播室。The group also toured China. org. cn's multilingual newsroom and multimedia studio.

OJS是一个多语言系统,支持期刊多语言出版。OJS is a multilingual system, allowing journals to publish in a variety of languages.

世卫组织于2005年1月以六种正式语言推出多语言网站。WHO's multilingual web site was launched in January 2005 in the six official languages.

是多种语言的情况下,需要有单独的卷来传输不同的语言。In case of multilingual features, separate reels are required to convey different languages.

只说英语的人面临的情况和那些先学习英语的会说多种语言的人是一样的。English-only speakers, however, fared just as well as multilingual people who learned English first.

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语码转换是语言接触的一种常见现象,它普遍存在于双语或多语社会中。Code-switching, a common phenomenon in language contact, permeates bilingual and multilingual society.

本文中,我们将使用个性化特性手工实现一个多语言网站。In this article, we will use the personalization feature to manually implement a multilingual Web site.

精通多种语言的员工信守服务至上的原则,努力满足顾客的需求。The staff is multilingual and service-orientated, with a strong desire to meet the needs of all guests.

多语言网站是针对不同用户以多种语言提供内容的站点。A multilingual Web site is one that delivers content in many different languages to different Web users.

多语族描述的即是那些在日常生活中使用超过一种语言的人。The term multilingual is used to describe people who use more than one language in their day-to-day lives.

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这项报告确定了多语思维和单语思维在某些方面的六个不同点。The report identifies six areas in which the multilingual mind differs in some way to the monolingual mind.

因为我们的目的是要创建一个多语言网站,所以每一部分内容都应有相应的多语言版本。Because your aim is to build a multilingual Web site, each piece of content should have multilingual versions.

有了一大批掌握多门外语的谈判能手和律师,在全球贸易争端中,毫不理亏的我们还会哆嗦着说话吗?With a multitude of multilingual virtuosos of negotiators and lawyers, will we falter in global bargaining games?