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她的名字叫丽莉•玛琳。Her name was Lilli Marlene.

它没有阻止我姐姐玛琳。It didn't stop my sister Marlene.

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玛琳·黛德丽和查理·卓别林。Marlene Dietrich and Charlie Chaplin.

玛琳用一只手放在他握起来的拳头上。Marlene put a hand on his balled-up fist.

记得你和玛琳什么时候给我这个的?Remember when you and Marlene gave me this?

我看到她的时候就仿佛看到了我曾经爱过的玛琳。I look at her and I see the Marlene I loved.

露西还说她可以依靠马倰。Lucy also says that she can count on Marlene.

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假如马琳必须得死的话,我也跟她一起死。If Marlene has got to die, I want to be with her.

它成为我对你和玛琳的纪念。瞧瞧它。It's become my tribute to you and Marlene. Check it out.

玛琳站起来,轻柔的拉转伦克面对她。Marlene stood up and gently swung Lunk around to face her.

你肯定是把他们出卖给因维德人了。我打赌甚至杀了玛琳。You must've sold them out to the Invid. I bet you even killed Marlene.

玛琳黛德丽延长她充分光荣的感表演。Marlene Dietrich extended in her full glory in a sensual artistic rendition.

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在残酷丑陋的战争喧嚣中,丽莉·玛琳总是用她那温柔甜蜜的音符去抚慰人们心灵的创伤。Amid the brutal, ugly cacophony of war, Lilli Marlene always struck a sweet and tender note.

可是玛杰丽只是站在那里哭,眼泪一滴滴地掉进锅里,所以锅里根本就不用放盐了。But Marlene stood by crying and crying, and all her tears fell into the pot, and they did not need any salt.

早在八十年代中期,我还是加拿大Trent大学的一名学生,Marlene老师当时是原住民研究系的教授。Back in the mid 1980s when I was at Trent University, Marlene was a professor in the Native Studies Department.

但是,盖比特的死对头史金保妒忌皮诺丘,更妒忌自己女儿玛莲与皮诺丘之间的友情。But Scamboli, Geppetto's archrival, is jealous of Pinocchio and Pinocchio's friendship with his daughter Marlene.

这种坠入爱河并被伤害,爱上了爱情,这首歌,玛琳黛德丽唱必须欣喜若狂。This falling in love and being hurt, falling in love with love, that song that Marlene Dietrich sings must be ecstatic.

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马琳·施瓦茨医生和他的同事对389名治疗和研究肥胖病人的医护人员进行了心理测试。Dr Marlene Schwartz and colleagues carried out psychological tests on 389 professionals who treat and study obese people.

马琳·施瓦茨医生和他的同事对389名治疗和研究肥胖病人的医护职员进行了心理测试。Dr Marlene Schwartz and colleagues carried out psychological tests on 389 professionals who treat and study obese people.

我最钦佩的两个二十世纪的艺术家是佛兰思斯培根和马林仲马,他们受到所处环境的很大影响。Two of the 20th-century artists I most admire, Francis Bacon and Marlene Dumas , strongly interacted with their environments.