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且看那帮善人和义士!Behold the good and just!

看看这一个骇人的证据吧!Behold a dreadful witness of it!

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瞧瞧月亮的侍女。Behold the handmaid of the moon.

那个王!是王中之王!Behold the King, the King of Kings.

看哪!冠冕已给羔羊!荣耀、尊贵已归祂!Behold the Lamb with glory crowned!

看到她,我也开成鲜花。And I am a flower when I behold her.

且看所有信仰的信徒们!Behold the believers of all beliefs!

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看哪,我站在门外叩门。Behold I stand at the door and knock.

我们早起观看了日出。We got up early to behold the sunrise.

莫道人间三四月,谁知春意在何方。Say human 3 April, behold spring where.

才能看到挂满冰的刺柏。To behold the junipers shagged with ice.

但当你脸上出现时光的深槽。But when in thee time's furrows I behold.

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你无法两眼望着世界,同时又知道上主的真相。You cannot behold the world and know God.

现今在此我无法看见祢丰采。Then, if cannot here behold Thy countenance.

一撮土,一口气,你就有了亚当。A handful of dirt, a breath, and behold Adam.

注视我,看着我,你,我的儿子图特摩斯。Behold me, look at me, thou, my son Tuthmosis.

你很急切的想看看这个世界的救世主?You are eager to behold the world's deliverer?

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看着我,我是雅卡,你的上帝,你心中的毁灭之王!Behold I, Yaka , am the god of your destruction!

哎呦看看,这些家伙找到了28个反质子。Lo and behold , these guys found 28 antiprotons.

直等耶和华垂顾,从天观看。Till the LORD look down, and behold from heaven.