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兰德勒·多诺万,你在听吗?Landon Donovan, are you listening?

这位是我的同事,阿诺德·兰登先生。This is my colleague , Mr Arnold Landon.

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今天晚上去看看蓝登教授怎麽样?How about going to visit Professor Landon this evening.

今天晚上去看看兰登教授怎么样?How about going to visit Professor Landon this evening?

我班的学生那个数是48人,有许多来自伦敦。There are 48 students in my class , some of whom come from Landon.

然而,抚养兰德勒毫无疑问将成为杰克曾面对的最大的挑战。Still, raising Landon will no doubt be the biggest challenge Jack’s ever faced.

我的队友当路云踢得十分出色,但米高巴特利的演出更令我留下深刻印象。My teammate Landon was very good but I was particularly impressed by Michael Bradley.

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世界杯参加国际足联决赛的四个队,有三个来自欧洲。兰德勒·多诺万,你在听吗?World Cup. Three of the four FIFA finalists were from Europe. Landon Donovan, are you listening?

缘于球场上为美国队建立的卓越功勋,中场球员多诺万的名字已然是家喻户晓。Midfielder Landon Donovan became a household name thanks to his on-field exploits for the United States.

兰德勒的微小动作和声音大多数人没有察觉,而杰克却令人不可思议地注意到了。Small movements and sounds from Landon that went unnoticed by most mysteriously caught Jack’s attention.

银河队队长多诺万在一个角落里发出的到遥远的地方巴德尔上涨后的最高领导权的家。Galaxy captain Landon Donovan sent in a corner from the right to the far post where Buddle rose highest to head home.

孢子落到醋栗树和醋栗果上,然后开始攻击近旁的五针松,例如柔枝松和白皮松。The spores landon gooseberries and currants, then move to attack any nearby five-needle pines,including limber and whitebark.

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罗伯特·曼奇尼宣称对美国国家队正印前锋兰登·多诺万感兴趣的消息在美国引起轰动。Roberto Mancini has caused a stir in the United States by claiming Manchester City are interested in the USA forward Landon Donovan.

假如美国的头两场比赛都能毫发无损地顺利过关,兰登·多诺万,克林特·邓普西还有蒂姆·霍华德都急切希望胜利的到手。Landon Donovan, Clint Dempsey and Tim Howard, assuming they come through the first two U.S. matches unscathed, will need to carry the day.

卡希尔正在寻找状态,多诺万加盟将给他们球队补充攻击力,但是有一个球员我们必须打起十二分精神,那人就是皮纳尔。Tim Cahill is finding some form and Landon Donovan has added something to their side, but one player we really have to be wary of is Steven Pienaar.

在邓普西和多诺万的两次建功使他们落后之后,南美人半场离场时已气数将尽。After falling behind to efforts from Clint Dempsey and Landon Donovan, the South Americans looked out of ideas when they left the field at half-time.

随着曼奇尼披露俱乐部正在追求前锋线上的明星多诺万和巴洛特利,曼城的转会盛宴看来还远未结束。Manchester City's transfer spree shows no sign of ending as Roberto Mancini revealed the club are looking at front men Landon Donovan and Mario Balotelli.

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多诺万的中路横传被皮克挡了一下,丹普西在门前6码从拉莫斯脚下铲射得分。这一进球锁定了胜局。Dempsey sealed the victory, scoring from 6 yards when he pounced on Landon Donovan 's cross, which had bounced off Gerard Pique and the foot of Sergio Ramos.

残奥会闭幕式上的“伦敦8分钟”依然选择了红色的双层公交巴士,巴士顶层竖立着著名的尼尔森勋爵纪念柱。In the Paralympic closing ceremony, the 8minutes in Landon was showing in red double decked bus still, there stood the famous Nilson lord memory pole on the upper deck.

联合国会员国的国家足球队兰登多诺万庆祝队友得分后在洛夫特斯Versfeld在比勒陀利亚体育馆2010年6月23日对阿尔及利亚的目标。Members of the United States national soccer team celebrate after teammate Landon Donovan scored a goal against Algeria at Loftus Versfeld stadium in Pretoria on June 23, 2010.