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你创造世人,要使他们归何等的虚空呢?For what futility you have created all men!

它毫无用处,这让她很生气。The sheer futility of it all exasperates her.

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羞耻、内疚和徒劳的感觉把他整个人都淹没了。Shame,compunction,snese of futility flooded his whole being.

因此他叫他们的日子,全归虚空,叫他们的年岁,尽属惊恐。So he ended their days in futility and their years in terror.

羞耻、内疚和徒劳的感觉把他整个人都淹没了。Shame, compunction, sense of futility flooded his whole being.

在她看来,这似乎是一个可笑的澡盆舰队,在狂风恶浪中颠簸起伏。It'seemed to her a ridiculous armada of tubs jostling in futility.

所罗门看出在人与事上找寻满足,乃是缘木求鱼。Solomon saw the futility of seeking satisfaction in people and things.

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我告诉他我并不完全认同神经性研究的无用性。I tell him I don't entirely accept the futility of neurological studies.

一切用都资大道的无用而成其用。All the utility becomes itself in the light of the futility of Great Tao.

经济理论认为,搭上老本来挽回损失是无益的。Economic theory recognizes the futility of throwing good money after bad.

他的样子活像一位年轻的哲学家,思考着孩子们游戏的无用性。He appeared like a young philosopher meditating on the futility of games.

实施这样的法律,当然也是徒劳无益的。The enforcement of such laws, of course, has been an exercise in futility.

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它教会我,担心自己无法控制的局面只是徒劳。It taught me the futility of worrying over circumstances beyond one’s control.

他们再次证明了好莱坞大明星们视婚姻如儿戏。They are another example of the futility of marriage between big stars in Tinseltown.

思嘉吃了一惊,抬起头来,看见一双灰眼睛充满了痛苦和无可奈何的神情。Startled, she looked up and met gray eyes that were bitter and full of tired futility.

铁艺术既是一个短暂的喜悦和味觉的泡沫徒劳的艺术视野。Latte art is both a gustatory delight and a fleeting artistic vision of foamy futility.

在卫报看来,这些文件披露了整个阿富汗战争以及现实正在采用的战略,都是“无用”的。For the Guardian the files reveal the futility of the conflict and the current strategy.

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我讨厌相同,我厌恶已有的不可改变的路,我愤怒可却充满无力感。The same I hate, I hate the way has been the immutable, I may have a sense of futility of anger.

它不推崇罪恶,因为那是幼稚的行为,然而它却会悔恨自己的无力。It does not recommend crime, for this would be childish, but it restores to remorse its futility.

但工人们在沙滩上冲洗油污的结果却是徒劳无功。But the dramatic scenes of hired workers washing oil off beaches turned out to be images of futility.