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但波西亚却不容许这样。But Portia would not allow this.

鲍西娅以她的智力而闻名。Portia stands out for her intelligence.

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巴萨尼奥和鲍西娅准备要结婚。Bassanio and Portia arranged to get married.

因此波西亚只得把那三只盒子拿给他看。So Portia had to show the three boxes to him.

巴萨尼奥与鲍西娅结婚需要多少钱?How much money does Bassanio need to marry Portia?

波西亚和尼瑞莎立刻动身离开了威尼斯前往贝尔蒙市。Portia and Nerissa left Venice for Belmont at once.

巴萨尼奥告诉安东尼奥说他爱上鲍西娅了。Bassanio told Antonio that he was in love with Portia.

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波西亚要求巴塞尼奥等一、两天再作选择。Portia asked Bassanio to wait a day or two before he chose.

于是她转向安东尼奥,要他裸胸。Then Portia turned to Antonio and told him to bare his chest.

然后,波西亚便取下一枚戒指交给了巴塞尼奥。Then Portia took a ring off her finger and gave it to Bassanio.

当葛劳提阿诺把这枚戒指带给波西亚时,他遇见他的妻子尼瑞莎。When Gratiano brought the ring to Portia , he met his wife Nerissa.

婚后,波西亚告诉巴西尼奥立刻到他的朋友那里。After their wedding, Portia told Bassanio to go to his friend at once.

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到此,波西亚也想好好嘲弄葛劳提阿诺和她自己的丈夫巴塞尼奥一番。Now Portia also thought that she would tease Gratiano and her husband.

德-罗西现年37岁,即将更名为“波西亚-德詹尼丝”。De Rossi, 37, is reportedly about to change her name to Portia DeGeneres.

巴塞尼奥向波西亚介绍安东尼奥,并将法庭审判的经过一一告诉了她。Bassanio introduced Antonio to Portia and told her about the trial in full.

带着鲍西娅刚拜访过那位著名律师的一封信,来到法庭。clerk, arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited.

是鲍西亚敏捷的头脑和出色的辩才让她成了这出戏中的英雄。It is her sharp mind and debating skills that make Portia the heroine of the play.

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波西亚端详着巴塞尼奥的脸,确信有重大事情发生。Portia looked at Bassanio's face and was sure that something terrible had happened.

排在他们前面的是脱口秀节目主持人艾伦•德詹尼丝和妻子波西亚•德•罗西。They were preceded by talk show hosts Ellen DeGeneres and wife Portia DeRossi at No. 3.

我真正喜欢你们的幽默感和你们的双生火焰,波西亚也有才智。I have truly enjoyed your sense of humor and your twin flame, Portia has a quick wit too.