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“真实是关键,”普拉格说。"Authenticity is key," Praeger says.

我们保证宝石的纯正!We guarantee authenticity of gemstones!

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这句话概括了真实性的概念。That sums up the concept of authenticity.

由专家确认该画是否为真迹。Experts vouch for the painting's authenticity.

我们买的是药品的可靠性和即时性。We pay for Authenticity and Immediacy in drugs.

是什么导致你的真实性妥协掉了?What caused your authenticity to be compromised?

这是真性情和热情的表现。It is a sign of both authenticity 3 and enthusiasm.

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手稿的真实性是毋庸置疑的。The authenticity of the manuscript is beyond doubt.

为你的真实而战可能狼狈不堪。The battle for your authenticity can be an ugly one.

录像的真实性目前尚未得到证实。The authenticity of the video could not be confirmed.

你的生活是否缺乏目标、真实性与平衡?Is your life lacking purpose, authenticity and balance?

它的确实性大概跟红军合唱团差不多吧!It has about as much authenticity as the Red Army Choir.

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所谓的真实性就是指活出最真实的自己。Authenticity is to live with integrity about what we are.

布洛姆坎普坦言获得这种真实性是要付出代价的。Blomkamp admitted that this authenticity came at a price.

我不认为它与现实主义或真实性有关。I don't think it has to do with realism, or authenticity.

专家已经确认了该画是真迹。The experts have vouched for the painting's authenticity.

专家已经确认了该画是真迹。The experts have vouched for the painting's authenticity.

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第二部分为“从非本真到本真”。The second part is "From Inauthenticity to Authenticity".

数字签名标志原始的真实性的验证。A digital signature stamps a proof of origin authenticity.

在我们这一行业中,真实性和美味是至关重要的。In our business, authenticity and deliciousness are critical.