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我异域的野玫瑰。My rose of foreign genre.

因此它是一种音乐体裁So it's a genre of music.

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协奏曲是另外一种风格The concerto is another genre.

我最喜欢的音乐种类是蓝调。My favorite music genre is blues.

弥撒曲是一种音乐体裁Well, a mass is a genre of music.

这就是启示书的体裁。That's the genre of an apocalypse.

你最喜欢的风俗画家是谁?Who is your favorite genre painter?

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我想谈谈流派的问题。Only Pian I want to talk about genre.

风俗画让位给景观。Genre painting gives way to landscape.

兴起与电视类型的兴起The rise and rise of a television genre.

你有最喜欢的时代或艺术流派?Do you have a favorite era or genre of art?

我相信这种音乐流派本身的故事。I believe in the story of the genre itself.

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不完全对,其实它是一种诗的体裁。Not exactly right, it is a genre of poetry.

这种学派后来被称为包豪斯学派。That is the genre what later called Bauhaus.

音乐风格的探讨到此为止So that's the end of the discussion of genre.

成功的故事是这种相亲类型的标准。The success story is a standard of the genre.

奇幻题材的小说常常遭到不公的非议。Fantasy as a genre is often unfairly maligned.

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莱特采用的是什么样的风格和体裁?What is this genre that Wright is working with?

这一直都是田园诗派的组成部分之一。This has always been a part of the pastoral genre.

好莱坞歌舞片是深受大众欢迎的类型片之一。Musical film is one of the most popular genre films.