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林怎么了”优优急切的问道。Forest how" good asks agog."

大家都急于知道发生了什么。All agog to know what had happened.

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村民们很兴奋地急著要听那消息。The villagers were agog to hear the news.

孩子们都渴望着要听这个故事。The children were all agog to hear the story.

整个小镇都充满著希望。The whole town are all agog with expectation.

学生们都急著想知道他们的成绩。The students were all agog to know their grades.

对圣诞节的憧憬使得孩子们兴奋不已。The prospect of Christmas left the children agog.

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多形红斑怎么才能根治?急切!!!How can polymorphous erythema just effect a radical cure? Be agog ! ! !

这些城镇非常美丽,特别是特罗吉尔和杜布罗夫尼克让我们惊喜不已。The beauty of these towns, particularly Trogir and Dubrovnik, left us agog.

于是,我四处寻找医生和药物,急切地希望解决这个问题。Then, doctor of my look about and medicaments, agog hope solves this problem.

世界也许都会因为郎朗那无论到哪儿都能绽放的钢琴焰火而兴奋。The world may be all agog over the piano fireworks Lang Lang sets off wherever he goes.

他急切的辩解以及深深的失意,如同他呛人的烟,让她烦恼和厌倦。He explains agog and deep frustrated, as him smoky smoke, let she is troubled and be tired of.

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首位「原住民」县长要如何主导县政,全台东县民正引颈期盼。Residents throughout Taitung County are agog to see how the first "native" county chief will lead the county's affairs.

在广为宣传香蕉的舞会上,当她腰部只围着一圈香蕉跳舞时,他们感到更加兴奋。They were even more agog during the much publicized Banana Dance when she danced with only a curtain of bananas round her waist.

马钢称并没有急切希望云安全能够大幅提升瑞星市场份额,因为目前竞争形势依然严峻。Ma Gang says and without agog hope cloud safety can promote lucky star market portion considerably, because compete at present situation still austere.

员和政策制定者都对美国的新国际关系原则感到兴奋,那是美国总统乔治·W·布什在西点军校的毕业典礼讲话中披露的。In Britain commentators and policy makers are agog about a new U. S. doctrine, unveiled by President George W. Bush in a commencement address at West Point.

你说马拉多纳是你的偶像,很喜欢他进英格兰的那个一条龙。You've talked about Diego Maradona being your football inspiration, and being agog as a seven-year-old at the famous mazy dribble he scored against England.

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国会委员会长达872页的披露中国政府窃取美国核机密的三卷本报告使举国哗然。Now that congressional committee has released its three-volume, 872-page techno-thriller on the theft of atomic secrets by Chinese spies, much of Washington is agog.

面瘫发生后,多长时间恢复,其后果如何,是患者急切关心的问题,医生对此应做到心中有数。After face paralysis happens, how long restores, its are sequential how, it is the problem that the patient cares agog , the doctor should accomplish know fairly well to this.