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她往楼上跑去。She ran upstairs.

我们还是上楼去吧。So let's go upstairs.

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我们上楼去。We would go upstairs.

刘家住在楼上。The Lius live upstairs.

到溇上来看看吧。Come upstairs and see it.

直走往左拐。Go upstairs and turn left.

在楼上收发室旁边。Upstairs by the Mail Room.

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我把箱子背到楼上。I humped the case upstairs.

他把我们带到楼上一个房间里。He led us to a room upstairs.

你好,我是楼上收款台的苏。Hi, it's Sue at the upstairs.

老人缓慢吃力地上楼。The old man lumbered upstairs.

往楼上走到三楼。Go upstairs to the third floor.

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他一溜小跑飞步上了楼。He whipped upstairs in a flash.

请把桌子搭到楼上去。Please carry the desk upstairs.

那个老妇人摇摇晃晃地上了楼。That old woman wagged upstairs.

楼上的地板吱呀吱呀响。Floorboards will squeak upstairs.

他上楼去看他的婴儿。He went upstairs to see his baby.

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存储橱柜在楼上。Linen storage cabinetry upstairs.

他搀扶着那位老太太上了楼。He oxtered the old woman upstairs.

他踉踉跄跄地走上楼倒在床上。He stumbled upstairs and into bed.