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老爸。XX. Dad.

我想念我的爸爸。I miss my dad.

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爸爸无视我。Dad ignored me.

谢谢您,爸爸。Thank you, Dad.

请进来,爸爸。Come on in, Dad.

爸爸在边上看着我。Dad looked at me.

你的爹地是什么?What is your dad?

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爸爸拿了碗豆。My dad takes peas.

非常感谢您,爸爸。Thanks a lot, Dad.

老爸,我看到那辆车了。I saw the car, Dad.

噫,我得救了,爸。Gee, I'm saved, dad.

我的老爸是一个很讲卫生的人。My Dad is very clean.

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我的爸爸戴副眼镜。My dad wears glasses.

我们全都爱您,爸爸。We all love you, dad.

但爸爸们就另当别论了。But then, there`s dad.

爸爸将会买了一台车给我。Dad will buy me a car.

想和老爸黏在一起?Want to bond with dad?

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爸爸,您是最好的。You are the best, dad.

你听起来就像我老爸。You sound like my dad.

来呀,爸爸,咱们走。Come on, Dad. Let's go.