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玲玲马戏团中艺高人胆大的明星小丑贝洛。Bello Nock, the star daredevil clown of the Ringling Bros.

这是今年初我为学校发展部门设计的一款邀请卡。This is an invitation shell i designed for the office of development at ringling college.

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该组织抗议美国「玲玲兄弟马戏团」展演珍禽异兽。PETA was protesting the use of exotic animals by the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

它随着林林兄弟马戏团来到“康尼岛的梦境之旅”进行杂技表演。She travelled with the Ringling Brothers Circus and appeared at Coney Island 's Dreamland sideshow.

那些宣传单表达了对美国「玲玲马戏团」的抗议,当时适逢周末,马戏团正好在城里表演。The fliers expressed protests against the Ringling Brothers Circus, which was in town during the weekend.

上图的邀请卡是为了瑞格林艺术与设计学院的年度募款餐会所设计。The invitation design above is the latest project I've done for a fundraiser luncheon for Ringling College of Art and Design.

今天收到最近一件作品的完成品,这是为我们学校和梦工厂合办的活动所设计的邀请函。I received these samples today. They are the invitation package i recently designed for Ringling College and DreamWorks event in February.

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一提到马戏表演,林林兄弟和巴那姆·贝利马戏团无疑是其中的翘楚,它每年都吸引大量的观众来看“世界上最棒的马戏表演”。When it comes to three rings, Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey are the masters. It takes a lot of people to get "the Greatest Show on Earth" up and running.

多年前,在纽约的麦迪逊广场花园里,我走进了林林兄弟与巴纳姆贝利马戏团,拥有了一次相当独特的幕后经历。A number of years ago, I had the rather unique experience of being backstage in Madison Square Garden, in New York, during the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus.

美国佛罗里达州萨拉索塔「约翰和梅波润格林艺术博物馆」的提波兹学习中心,主要展览十九世纪末至二十世纪初马戏篷表演的丰富历史。The Tibbals Learning Center at the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, Florida, focuses on the rich history of the big-top shows of the late 19th and early 20th century.

不需要,虽然一些学校的毕业生在一些很大的工作室中数量可观,而且他们的学历也很受人尊重,但是艺术性工作并不要求学历。While some schools hold a certain amount of clout with many large studios and their degrees are in fact well respected, like Ringling or Cal Arts for example, artistic jobs do not require a degree.