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勾心斗角在每个单位都司空见惯。Intrigue against each other is quotidian in every company.

大多数应对全球变暖的措施都是冗长乏味,几近压制,以及司空见惯的。Most solutions to the problem of global warming are tediously, almost oppressively, quotidian.

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没有了大的担忧,这意味着我对生活中一些司空见惯的事情产生了极大的兴趣。The lack of larger concerns meant I took an extreme interest in the quotidian aspects of life.

那些被纽约区咀咒的美食家正在高度赞扬越来越美味的刀切牛排。Gourmands who swore by New York strip are now singing the praises of the more quotidian hanger steak.

奥尼尔知道怎样部署平常的虚饰以彻底摧毁虚构的效果。And O’Neill knows how to deploy the quotidian fripperies of our laptop culture to devastating fictional effect.

这个项目远离普通的城市图景,它需要我们考虑如何在一个历史性的乡村环境内建造建筑。Far away of the quotidian urban scenario, this enterprise requires the knowledge of how to operate in a historic-rural area.

此后,我还根据他们成长活动所对应的文化和政治环境,记录日常生活的点点滴滴。Thereafter, I tracked their quotidian lives as they played out against a shimmering scrim of cultural and political context.

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更多的时候,我们做道德的决定是由平静,不断地,并在日常活动和每日的困境中。More often, the moral decisions we make are made quietly, constantly, and within the context of everyday activities and quotidian dilemmas.

同时,煤被认为是很多常见问题的源头,比如矿难、酸雨和温室气体排放。Coal, meanwhile, is believed responsible for a host of more quotidian problems, such as mining accidents, acid rain and greenhouse gas emissions.

梁实秋的散文善于从司空见惯的生活百态、日常现象出发,以独特的眼光“了解人生,发掘人性。”Liang Shiqiu's proses have with special taste embodied "understanding life, discovering humanness" from quotidian livings and ordinary phenomena.

阿西娅的案件是一扇窗口,反映了巴基斯坦贫民所承受的司空见惯的腐败和不公正,这使其中一部分人投向了伊斯兰武装。Assiya’s case offers a window into the quotidian corruption and injustice endured by impoverished Pakistanis — leading some to turn to militant Islam.

这是人们真正想挂在家中或办公室里的艺术,让想象的洪流奔腾起来,为我们波澜不惊的日常生活注入一些新颖且悦意的顿点。This is Art which one would indeed like to hang at home or in the office, and let the imagination runs as a pause from the quotidian cares of everyday life.

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然而心理学家的研究提醒我们,正是那些微不足道、形式多样的愉悦点滴,拥有着让我们幸福及保持幸福的魔力。What the psychology research suggests is that it's those quotidian pleasures that have the power to make us happy and keep us happy, provided they hold enough variety.

在观看每一张作品的同时,或许能象荒木一样“在日常的淡淡地走过去的顺序中感觉到什么”。While these images allow an entrance to his privacy, perhaps through viewing, as it is for Araki, "a certain feeling of passing through the quotidian would also be felt."

而量子密码学,假如剑桥大学东芝研究室的安德鲁史立德同他的同事一起能有所进展,鉴于此,该研究将很快投入常规运作。Quantum cryptography, however, will soon pass into the quotidian realm if Andrew Shields and his colleagues at Toshiba's research laboratory in Cambridge have anything to do with it.

然而一旦从日常惯例来到一个近乎空白的环境,一个非空间,他们就会产生一种荒谬至极的气氛,将平庸推至疯狂的边缘。However once removed from the quotidian into an almost empty environment-a non-space, they create an atmosphere where the absurdity reigns and banality is pushed until the limits of madness.

此话很有道理,众所周知,司空见惯的东西往往使人麻木不仁、反应迟钝、熟视无睹,提不起兴趣,而新奇的事物则能刺激人们的感官,使人有一种新鲜感。That makes a lot of sense. It is well known that quotidian things often make people insensitive, benumbed, blind and uninterested, but novelty can stimulate people's senses and make people feel fresh.