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买个笔记本电脑怎么样?How about a laptop?

一个非常快的笔记本电脑?A epically speedy laptop?

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我正在试着修好我的笔记本电脑。I'm trying to fix my laptop.

我在我新的笔记本上看到了这些。I see this with my new laptop.

您需要的是桌上型还是手提电脑呢?。Do you need a desktop or a laptop?

我首先借来一个笔记本电脑。I first of all get a loaner laptop.

你知道“100美元笔记本”吗?Do you know the "100 Dollar Laptop?"

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拆下你的笔记本电脑电池。Remove your battery from your laptop.

需要升级多少次电脑?How many times up-grade of you laptop?

他们往往较大,笨重的笔记本电脑。They are often a larger, bulkier laptop.

笔记本电脑两长一短蓝屏了。Laptop blue screen of two long, one short.

我觉得我可以再也不需要束缚在我的笔记本电脑前了。I felt like I was unchained from my laptop.

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请自备笔记本和一台玩具车。Please bring your own laptop and a toy car.

而且你也不能把笔记本手提包带到海滩。And you can't tote that laptop to the beach.

平心静气地打开笔记本电脑箱Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.

什么是你电脑包中的5件宝?What are the 5 essentials in your laptop bag?

所以我决定冒点险将这一台膝上型电脑买回家。So I decided to risk it and bought the laptop.

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然而这款便携式午餐盒大小对我而言则刚刚好。The Laptop Lunchbox is the perfect size for me.

使用装有一个或两个风扇的笔记本电脑冷却垫。Use a laptop cooling pad that has a fan or two.

你的膝上型电脑有软碟机还是光碟机。Has your laptop got a floppy disc or a CD drive?