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得洛斯矗立,太阳升起的地方!Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung!

只有得洛斯岛同意成为未来神祗的诞生地。Delos alone consented to become the birthplace of the future gods.

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海运方式和包装将由道尔公司决定。The shipping method and packaging shall be decided by the company Delos.

为了对这段较早的古风时期做一个具体的说明,我们可以举在提洛岛上所发现的那座粗糟的阿耳特密斯像为例。As an illustration of this early archaic period we may take the very crude statue of Artemis,discovered at Delos.

为了对这段较早的古风时期做一个具体的说明,我们可以举在提洛岛上所发现的那座粗糟的阿耳特密斯像为例。As an illustration of this early archaic period we may take the very crude statue of Artemis, discovered at Delos.

今天,年轻人抛开历史,在地中海海滩上奔跑,重现得洛斯岛运动员的身姿。Today, despite that history, young men running on Mediterranean beaches repeat the gestures of the athletes of Delos.

当阿波罗回到第罗斯岛探望她的母亲与黛安娜的时候,他是驾驶白天鹅拖曳的车子由水面来的。When Apollo returned to Delos to see his mother and Diana he came riding over the water in a chariot drawn by white swans.

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你可以选择参加船上的岸上游览活动前往Delos,也可以选择自由活动,在这座美丽小岛的鹅卵石路上悠闲漫步。Take part in the optional tour to Delos or enjoy your afternoon, walking along the quaint cobbled streets of this beautiful island.

谷歌的合作伙伴在健康管理方面是一个真正的创新的榜样,这个健康管理系统能给患者和提供者带来价值。"The partnership with Google is an example of true innovation in health care which brings value to patients and providers, " said Delos M.

希腊东南一群岛,位于爱琴海南部。这个名字用于古代,指得洛斯小岛四周的群岛。A group of islands of southeast Greece in the southern Aegean Sea. The name was used in ancient times for the islands surrounding the small island of Delos.

泽斯希腊东南一群岛,位于爱琴海南部。这个名字用于古代,指得洛斯小岛四周的群岛。A group of islands of southeast Greece in the southern Aegean Sea. The name was used in ancient times for the islands surrounding the small island of Delos.

在古代,交易场所聚集于地中海盆地。在希腊罗马时代在得洛斯,中世纪是在威尼斯、热那亚和马赛。Before modernity, such places were concentrated in the Mediterranean basin, at Delos in Greco- Roman times, and in Venice, Genoa and Marseilles during the Middle Ages.

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主要概念为通过三座混凝土板长桥出入唯一的提洛岛博物馆,桥下面建有水库,可收集地面的排水和冬季的大部分雨水。The main concept is to access and exit the Museum of Delos with three long concrete slabs bridges over a reservoir that will collect mostly rainy water during the winter and drainage in the ground.