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该运动称投票结果显示“毕恭毕敬”位居第四。The PEC said"With all due respect"was fourth in its poll.

最后数名首批下线的机械守卫被派至普里蒙星,担任保卫PEC的工作。The last few Alpha sentinels are dispatched to Primon to guard the PEC.

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本文中把这种H型钢部分包裹混凝土组合柱简称为PEC柱。In this paper, H steel partially encased concrete composite columns are denominated for PEC columns.

因此,光辅助电化学制程适合在高亮度氮化镓发光二极体的应用。Consequently, this PEC treated process is suitable for high powered nitride-based LEDs lighting applications.

有点扯远了,我不太愿意跟医院打交道,即使是体检中心这样的非真正的医疗部门。I digress from the subject, I don't want to get relative with hospital, even its PEC which is not formal part of hospital.

在对脉冲涡流检测技术进行研究的基础上,设计并实现了一套完整的脉冲涡流检测系统。On the basis of the study on PEC detecting technology, a complete pulsed eddy current detecting system is designed and implemented.

我为那些星罗棋布在德卡尼、派克和格拉查尼察的美丽的塞族人寺庙感到悲哀--处于异族的汪洋大海中,它们比以往任何时候都显得更加孤立无援。I mourn for those beautiful Serbian monasteries, at Decani, Pec and Gracanica, that will now, more than ever, be islands in an alien sea.

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本文应用FDTD方法分析放置于无限大理想导体地面上并由同轴线馈电的TEM喇叭天线瞬态辐射问题。In this paper, the radiation of a TEM horn antenna placed above the PEC ground and fed by coaxial transmission line is analyzed by FDTD method.

随着方向的变化,RCS行为的变化反映了PEC模型反震的行为,上文已作了详细的说明。The variations in RCS behaviour observed with changing aspect reflect closely the behaviour observed with the PEC model simulation, detailed above.

光电化学池的寿命以及制造光电化学池所消耗的能量也是影响能量产出的重要因素。An energy production facility such as one based on PEC technology, should generate more energy over its lifetime than is used to manufacture and operate it.

复合物的溶解机理被认为是表面活性剂的解离作用和疏水作用二者的协同。It is supposed that the dissolving mechanism of PEC is the cooperating results of the dissociation function and the hydrophobic action of the ionic surfactant.

方法收集并回顾性分析南通市10年初级眼保健网络建设与防盲治盲工作资料。Methods The methods of developing PEC and prevention of blindness in recent 10 years were analyzed retrospectively. Results Five grades of PEC network were established.

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将矩量法与迭代物理光学法结合解决带有槽缝结构的二维电大尺寸目标的电磁散射问题,并将解决的问题范围拓展到三维电大尺寸金属目标的情况,为混合方法的研究提供了一定的参考依据。Finally the scattering problems of complex-shaped electrically-large 2D PEC targets are solved based on the hybrid method of IPO and MoM, which can be easily expanded to the 3-D condition.