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这听起来有些答非所问。The answer sounds evasive.

她给了摸棱两可的回答。She gave an evasive answer.

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我的回答并不躲躲闪闪。I wasn't evasive in my reply.

那是典型的回避行为。That’s typically evasive behaviour.

“他正在成长。”这听起来有些答非所问。"He's growing up. " The answer sounds evasive.

眼角溢炪点点閁烁悳汨洸。The corner of the eye spills over the evasive tear up.

每当或下次无论我在何处看见你我将不会是胆怯的或逃避的。Whenever or wherever I see you next time I won't be timorous or evasive.

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凶猛的强击机和灵活的螯击机都是猎物,他们就像猛虎一样扑击它们。Mighty Enforcers and evasive Pincers were their prey, like prey for tigers.

但是,对婚姻中的问题采取回避态度却是万万不可的。But it certainly is a big deal to have an evasive attitude toward marital problems.

无论怎样的逃避,逃避的后果都是以成功为代价。The elusion that is no matter how it is, evasive results all take success as price.

住在洛杉矶,我知道发展执行员含糊其辞的方言。Living in Los Angeles, I recognized the evasive patois of the development executive.

不采取规避措施,那么这个过程只能不合规定地进行下去或者整个关闭。Evasive action was not taken, so the process was allowed to go off- spec or shut down.

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然而,在我国现行税制中,个人所得税却被公众认为是税收流失最严重的税种。However, it is also regarded as the most seriously evasive tax all the taxations in China.

他极少出现在公众场合,他开始刻意回避媒体的追逐。He seldom appears in public circumstance, he begins the quest of sedulous and evasive media.

他一般是逃避责任的,很难让他做出任何坚定的承诺。He is more likely to be evasive and it will be harder to get him to make any firm commitments.

斯蒂芬不愿见他的姐姐,便立即采取规避动作,藏到床底下去了。Stephen didn't want to see his sister, so he quickly took evasive action and hid under the bed.

顾德新无疑是中国当代艺术舞台上最神秘莫测,最难以捉摸的人物。Gu Dexin certainly is the most enigmatic and evasive figure within the contemporary Chinese art scene.

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中国选择了市场经济,并将坚定不移走下去,自由成为不可回避的时代课题。China chose market economy, and will adamantine step down, freedom is become cannot evasive times task.

他们是熟练的弓箭手并使用难以捉摸的战术去挫败敌人。They are expert bowmen that use evasive tactics to their fullest, much to the frustration of their enemies.

第三只斯奇姆兽转过身来开火,穿梭艇急速上升飞过,雷的规避操纵让敌人没能得逞。As the shuttle zoomed past, the third Scrim turned to fire at it, but Rem 's evasive piloting frustrated it.