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谁阻止了犀牛?Who stopped the rhino?

犀牛被激怒时是很危险的。If provoked, a rhino can be dangerous.

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雷诺与毛斯是最好的朋友。Rhino and Mouse are always the best of friends.

越南人正在从非洲大量走私犀角。The Vietnamese are moving rhino horn from Africa.

看见一头大犀牛朝我冲过来我都吓坏了。I was petrified to see a huge rhino bearing down on me.

犀牛之家不会分享或出售任何会员资料。Home of DR Rhino will not share or sell our list of VIP members.

由于爪哇犀牛十分稀有,因此未能收集到这种犀牛的粪便样本。The Javan rhino is so rare that a sample could not be collected.

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一只犀角在黑市上能卖几千英镑。A rhino horn can sell for thousands of pounds on the black market.

也门人于是成为了世界上最大的犀牛角进口国。Yemenis rapidly became the world's biggest importers of rhino horn.

扬格说,例如有一位中间人从印度非法捕猎者手中收购虎骨或犀牛角。A middleman collects tiger bones or rhino horn from poachers in India.

由于爪哇犀牛十分稀有,因此未能收集到这种犀牛的粪便样本。The Javan rhino is so infrequent that a specimen could not be collected.

毕竟,就算是大象也只能载动自身体重的四分之一左右,而我们小小的犀牛甲虫却能载动超过体重八百五十倍的东西呢!The rhino beetle can carry a whopping 850 times its own weight on its back.

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纯正进口犀牛皮大灯膜。尾灯膜.10大颜色!Pure imports of rhino skin headlight film. Taillights . 10 large color film!

热带大草原的啮草黑犀牛有能卷握东西的嘴唇,可以用于吸食灌木的嫩枝叶。The savanna browsing black rhino has a prehensile lip for feeding on shrubs.

这是第一次在野外拍摄到神出鬼没的婆罗州犀牛。And caught on camera in the wild for the first time the elusive Borneo rhino.

如果我一辈子不断地吃犀牛角和珍稀动物,我也能赢比赛。If I ate Rhino horn and extinct animals all my life, I could win a race as well.

犀牛小子则会以较具科技感的机械造型捏塑,象徵对未来的展望。Rhino Boy will be made in a mechanical shape to symbol the look into the future.

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我们用水桶洗东西、追踪狮子、看非洲猎豹和用牛奶喂犀牛。We washed in buckets, tracked lions, saw cheetahs and fed a baby rhino with milk.

戴莫犀牛专业疑难案件3000套配有电池,标签,交流适配器。DYMO Rhino 3000 Professional hard case with the battery cover, labels, AC adapter.

martin说中国人买犀牛角是为了制作传统的治疗低烧的药。Martin says Chinese buy rhino horn to use as a traditional medicine to lower fever.