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那个调度员加紧调车。The dispatcher to intensify shunting.

现在是我们在各条战线上加强斗争的时候了。Now is the time to intensify the struggle on all fronts.

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第三,促进区域财金对话与合作。Third, intensify regional financial dialogue and cooperation.

但是我看到了问题,并认为这些问题会加剧。But I observe the flaws, and believe they are set to intensify.

这可能会拖累经济增长,并加剧贸易摩擦。That could weigh on growth, and intensify frictions over trade.

他们还特意强化了建筑的雕塑感。They also intensify the sculptural characteristic of the volume.

体制性缺陷是供给价格与需求价格之间矛盾激化的根本原因。Deficts in system are the main reasons that intensify the conflicts.

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在阳光充足地带的一些州,对土地和水的争夺会很激烈。In the Sunbelt states competition for land and water will intensify.

用来加强某些食物自然风味的白色结晶状物质,为一种谷氨酸的钠盐。MSG is used to intensify the natural flavour of meats and vegetables.

连叠具有使语义强化、声韵和谐的表达效果。Reiterative can intensify the meaning and make the rhythm harmonious.

气候变化会削弱还是加强季风,这点还不清楚。It's unclear whether climate change will weaken or intensify monsoons.

我们要加大扶贫开发力度。We will intensify our efforts to alleviate poverty through development.

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存留的经济问题或可加剧华府政治权贵对他的嫌怨。Continued economic problems may intensify resentment of the Beltway fat cats.

五是加大扶贫开发力度。Fifth, we will intensify our efforts to alleviate poverty through development.

江源知道自己时日不多了,现在他要加紧施行自己的复仇计划了。Know your time is running out, and now he is going to intensify their revenge.

有时,持久的poke几天可以加强你们的关系。Sometimes, witholding that poke for a few days can intensify the relationship.

加大差别化信贷、税收政策执行力度。We will intensify the implimentation of differentiated credit and tax policies.

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毕达哥拉斯哲学的结果就是使关于宇宙本质的争辩更激烈了。The Pythagoreans' result was to intensify the debate over the nature of universe.

官员说,他们将加强在机场和港口的健康检查措施。Officials say they will intensify health screening measures at airports and ports.

必须大力加强政府自身改革和建设。This means we must greatly intensify internal reform and self-improvement efforts.