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在瓦加杜古举行的谈判本周继续。The talks continue in Ouagadougou this week.

通货膨胀导致四月在瓦加杜古街头暴力抗议。Inflation led to violent protests in the streets of Ouagadougou in April.

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今天,在当今的莫西国王所在的瓦加杜古,人们可以在很多地方看到叶尼佳的雕像。Today in Ouagadougou where the current king of the Mossis lives, one can see Yennenga's statues at many places.

22个县目前已超过流行阈值,包括首都瓦加杜古的3个县。Twenty two districts are currently over the epidemic threshold including three districts in the capital, Ouagadougou.

苏尔特这座曾富丽堂皇的瓦加杜古会议是卡扎菲大肆挥霍的地方。The once lush and opulent Ouagadougou complex in Sirte is the kind of place that Colonel Gaddafi liked to spend his millions.

2007年在瓦加杜古签署的和平协议规定,国家必须重新选举之前,恢复宪法秩序的统一。The 2007 peace accord signed in Ouagadougou stipulates that the country must be re-united before any election that will restore constitutional order.

西非国家布基纳法索军队发生叛乱导致局势动荡,首都瓦加杜古官员宣布实行宵禁。Authorities in the west African state of Burkina Faso have placed the capital Ouagadougou under curfew as unrest continues after a mutiny in the army.

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经过激烈的战斗,他们取得重大阵地,控制了宏伟的瓦加杜古会议中心及南郊的大学。After fierce fighting, they have made significant gains, taking the huge and opulent Ouagadougou exhibition centre and the university in the southern suburbs.

LVIA正与瓦加拉古市政府和邦格维戈国家城市公园一道开展一项辅助性行动,以提高公众的意识。In partnership with the Municipality of Ouagadougou and the National Urban Park of Bangr-Weoogo, LVIA is also conducting a complementary public awareness campaign.

阿拉伯卫视台的电视画面显示,利比亚全国过渡委员会的战士控制了苏尔特的瓦加杜古会议中心,这里曾是卡扎菲部队的一个指挥和控制基地。Arab TV station's television show, the National Transitional Council of the Libyan fighters controlled the center of the Ouagadougou meeting Sirte, Gaddafi forces here was a command and control base.