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传奇,还是讹传?Legend or Misinformation?

不过来自伊朗内部的消息称此事并不属实。But sources inside Iran say that this is misinformation.

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市场上存在许多有关黄金的误传。There’s a great deal of misinformation around about gold.

对于艾滋病的沉默、误传。and silence, stigma and misinformation about the disease.

他说,“他们基于错误的信息发起了反转基因运动。They've created anti-GM campaigns based on misinformation.

患病倍感羞辱,错误信息盛传,疾病治疗昂贵。Stigma and misinformation are rife. Treatment is expensive.

中国人有责任扫清误传。Chinese have responsibility to clear away the misinformation.

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而其它人则将大面积的谣传也归入都市传奇的范围当中。Others lump widely dispersed misinformation into the urban-legend category.

关于健康的破坏物铍的无知和误传是很顽固的。But ignorance and misinformation about the health hazards of beryllium die hard.

而在之前更早的消息里告诉我们这些都是谎言。You have told us in an earlier message that almost all of this is misinformation.

不过在我们的视野中,还有很多关于女性健康的错误观点在不断流传。Still, much misinformation about the female body circulates in mainstream consciousness.

这时应该从电视和收音机获得准确的信息,而不要被错误的消息愚弄。Obtain accurate information from the TV or radio and don’t get tricked by misinformation.

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要记住许多对在家上学的误解都是建立在无知和错误信息的基础上的。Remember that many concerns about homeschooling are based on ignorance or misinformation.

真相中会参杂着恶意游说支持误传。There is a mixture of truth competing with mal-intentioned-lobbyist-backed misinformation.

目前网络入侵检测系统普遍具有自适应差、误报率高等问题。At present time, NIDS have disadvantages such as bad self-adaptive and high misinformation.

换句话说,信息灵通的消费者会留心各种资讯,也会查证各种有误导作用的谣传。In other words, well-informed consumers watch for information and check for misinformation.

可能唯一比感冒更为流行的就是对它本身误解的声音了。Perhaps the only thing more prevalent than colds is the volume of misinformation about them.

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病人或代诉者还可在此时纠正病史中的一些错误信息。In addition, the patient or surrogate may correct any historical misinformation at this time.

难怪年轻人们不再问关于性的话题,但是却得到了大量的错误信息。No wonder teens end up asking each other about sex—and getting a fair amount of misinformation.

我国近几年有很多地方都声称发现了蜂鸟,其实都是误传。China in recent years many have claimed to have discovered a humming bird in fact misinformation.