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是为河南龙氏。Is the Henan dragon's.

河南曲剧是一门综合性戏曲艺术。Henan Opera is a comprehensive art.

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我奶奶是豫剧专家。My granny is an expert of Henan Opera.

洪在1982年在河南省面世。Hong was born in Henan Province in 1982.

因为,我们家的事,“河南人”都知道。Because, our house, " Henan people" know.

昆山一一铝业有限公司。Henan Huilong Aluminium Industry Co. , Ltd.

他叫滕振国,河南汝州人。He calls Teng Zhenguo, henan your city person.

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湖南省白沙镇的工地。Construction in Bai Sha Town in Henan Province.

胡辣汤是河南小吃系列中的─绝。Hu maeuntang Henan snacks in the series a must.

河南康旭宠物技术服务有限公司。Henan Kang wook pet Technology Service Co. , Ltd.

是的,我刚于去年7月从河南大学毕业。Yes, I graduated from Henan University last July.

豫剧是比京剧更古老的剧种。Henan Opera is more ancient than the Peking Opera.

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河南立新电力建设监理有限公司。Henan Lixin Power Construction Supervision Co. Ltd.

河南人信誉这么差,骗子太多。Henan credibility of the people is so bad liar too.

王高平,河南工业,中国大学。Gaoping Wang, Henan University of Technology, China.

钧瓷也是同样产自是河南省地区的。Jun wares were from the same area in Henan province.

测交组合在河南夏玉米区表现一般。No ideal cross was found in Henan summer maize area.

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睢县方言属河南方言豫东片。Sui county dialect belongs to eastern Henan Dialect.

河南省郑州正在修建的一座桥梁。A bridge being built in Zhengzhou, in Henan Province.

河南财经学院的会计和金融不错!Obviously, Henan University of Finance and Economics.