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石墨开采自锡兰。The graphite is mined in Ceylon.

锡兰是印度南边的一个岛。Ceylon is an island at the south of India.

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“锡兰钻石”和“成熟的钻石”实在是无色锆石。Ceylon diamond" and "mature diamond" is really colorless zircon.

图为该部队联络官在锡兰基地受训时合影。The picture shows the unit's liaison officers being trained in Ceylon.

能,在斯里兰卡的一间寺院,还保存着佛陀的佛牙舍利。The Tooth Relic is still to be seen at the Temple of the Tooth in Ceylon.

视野所及的地方是满山遍野的锡兰茶树。The plantations of Ceylon tea occupy vast spaces as far as the eye beholds.

锡兰的高地茶通常制为碎形茶,呈赤褐色。The upland tea of Ceylon is made normally for broken form tea, show auburn.

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在战役中,HMAS珀斯号被击沉,霍巴特号受到损伤后开向锡兰。During the battle HMAS Perth was sunk and Hobart was damaged before proceeding to Ceylon.

来自印度和锡兰的茶在银质的茶壶中煮好后被倒入精致的骨磁瓷碗中端给客人。Tea grown in India or Ceylon is poured from silver tea pots into delicate bone china cups.

12年后,在锡兰和马来亚的种植园里又种了30多万棵橡胶树。Twelve years later more than 300, 000 ha of rubber grew in plantations in Ceylon and Malaya.

后来,锡兰成为计划中收复马来亚和新加坡行动的重要基地。Later, Ceylon would become an important base for the planned re-taking of Malaya and Singapore.

由锡兰肉桂树的干树皮加工而成的香料,轧成带状或磨碎后使用。Spice from the dried aromatic bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree, used as rolled strips or ground.

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来自巴西的橡胶、牙买加的糖、锡兰的茶叶纷纷汇聚到码头六层高的仓库中。Into their six-storey warehouses came rubber from Brazil, sugar from Jamaica and tea from Ceylon.

它的味道是更加强烈和较不纤细的,并且树皮是比那锡兰桂香树更加厚实。Its flavor is sharper and less subtle, and the bark is thicker than that of the Ceylon cinnamon tree.

经营各国优质咖啡豆、锡兰红茶及咖啡机等批发业务…Our business includes wholesale of -quality coffee beans , Ceylon tea , coffee -making and accessories.

宋庆龄在身体状况允许的情况下在此用餐,也曾在此招待锡兰总理班达拉奈克夫人等少数国内外客人。Bandaranaike, the prime minister of Ceylon , and few guests from home and abroad in this small dining room.

俄罗斯作家布宁1909年开始远游印度与锡兰等地,并由此对佛教产生了浓厚的兴趣。Since 1909, Russian writer Bunin traveled to as far as India and Ceylon where he became interested in Buddhism.

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专家认可锡兰青玉从他们的光光度和光华对中等蓝色颜色。The expert recognises Ceylon sapphires from the luminosity and brilliance of their light to medium blue colour.

阿萨姆的淡淡麦芽香与锡兰的浓厚纯正造就了一杯最丰富温暖的早餐茶。Assam's subtle, malty fragrance blends perfectly with the pure and mellow ceylon to fashion a hearty breakfast tea.

这里的地皮原本属于凯龙政府铁路局,后来,岳父长期承租了这片土地。The land had belonged to the then Ceylon Government Railway, but his father-in-law had acquired possession as a long-standing tenant.