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无神论者和不可知论者的数量越来越多。Atheism and agnosticism are increasing in number.

无神论和不可知论成为了当时的时尚。So atheism and agnosticism became the fashion of the day.

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在欧洲无神论和不可知论的兴起令人感到震惊。In Europe, the rise of atheism and agnosticism is stunning.

我想有时这种不可知论能够通向道德成熟。I think sometimes that agnosticism can lead to a moral maturity.

我想,有时候这种不可知论能够通向道德成熟。I think sometimes that agnosticism can lead to a moral maturity.

在认识论领域,可知论和不可知论一直是专家学者们争论的焦点。In epistemology, knowability and agnosticism have been the focus of debate of philosophers.

尽管有很大的影响,印度的宗教,但也有不少人接受无神论和不可知论。Despite the great impact of religion in India, but a lot of people also accept atheism, and agnosticism.

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不可知论是哲学立场,认为这是不可能知道的性质或上帝存在。Agnosticism is the philosophical position that it is impossible to know about the nature or existence of God.

近代不可知论则通过强调认识的主体性,而否定认识可以达到客观存在。Modern agnosticism denied that subjective cognition could attain to objective existence by stressing the primacy of subject.

经验论最后走向了怀疑主义和不可知论,唯理论往往要求助于上帝才能保证知识的客观性。Empiricism moves to skepticism and agnosticism at last. Rationalism often asks for God to guarantee the objectivity of knowledge.

皮浪的否定一切知识的可能性的不可知论是古代怀疑论的最后结论。Then Pyrrho proposed his agnosticism which negated the possibility of all knowledge and was regarded as a final conclusion of ancient skepticism.

在现代,大多数不再是公然的修道公员,而是是人文主义,不可知论或者无神论的拥护者。In modern times the majority is no longer openly religious but majority percentages of the Dutch are adherents of humanism, agnosticism or atheism.

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在这个问题上,外国刑法学最终走向了不可知论,而中国刑法学则滑向了形而上学唯物论。On this problem, foreign criminal law theories have gone finally to the agnosticism and Chinese criminal law theories to the metaphysical materialism.

现代不可知论在试图超越主客二元分立的认识方式的基础上,强调主体世界的一元性,而走向一种彻底的不可知论。Post-Modern agnosticism stressed the monad of subject world by attempting to transcend the dichotomy of subject and object, which is an extreme agnosticism.

在这里奥古斯丁采取不可知论的立场,认为上帝之下的人在今世完全不知自己是否被预定。Here Augustine take position of the agnosticism and consider the human who lie in shelter of God completely cann't know whether be Predestinated in this life.

休谟、康德哲学的不可知论对近代哲学走出“形而上学独断论”的误区,促进自身的进步有着非常积极的作用。Agnosticism advocated by Hume and Kant has played an active role in helping modern philosophy step out of "metaphysical dogmatism" towards its further development.

但如何将防止长期预防领域取决于先知长的不可知论将成功地遏抑癌症学问的应用迷信。But how long prevention will be ignored depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhignawing on the using scientific knowledge in the cancer field.

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虽然有共同的不可知论和关注这个世界等特征,佛教中优先考虑的个人精神探索、超脱和隐修生活等对儒学构成了威胁。Despite their shared agnosticism and focus on this world, the primacy of the individual spiritual quest, detachment, and monasticism in Buddhism posed a threat to Confucianism.

近代英国经验论在与大陆唯理论的论争中,自身经历了由唯物主义向唯心主义,由可知论向不可知论的演变。In the argument with the continent rationa1ism, the modernEngland empiricism eXPerienced the evolution from materialism toidealism and from the theory of Anowable to agnosticism.

罗林也探索科学家已经在人和动物和它的对痛疼治疗的有害影响里关于主观的经验展示的思想上存疑论。Rollin also explores the ideological agnosticism that scientists have displayed regarding subjective experience in humans and animals, and its pernicious effect on pain management.