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很多人为应付紧急情况而蓄水。Many people store water for emergencies.

你们将讨论突发卫生事件。You will be discussing health emergencies.

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两天之后,没有紧急事件发生。After two days, no emergencies have come up.

生活中真正十万火急的事情并不多见。There are very few true emergencies in life.

这是考虑到紧急和干扰事件。This allows for emergencies and interruptions.

我总是在身边备些钱用来应急。I always keep some money by me for emergencies.

你要存钱,以备急用。Save money for yourself in case of emergencies.

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救生员被训练以应付紧急情况。Lifeguards are trained to deal with emergencies.

对妇女施暴,包括在紧急情况下Violence against women, including in emergencies

作好缺氧和高高度紧急情的准备。Preparing for hypoxia and high altitude emergencies.

从长远看,应该存钱以备不测。In the long run, one should save money for emergencies.

这种自供电收音机在紧急情况下也非常有用。The self-powered radios are also useful in emergencies.

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Matsumoto说,有时候必须把工作上的紧急事件放在第一位。Matsumoto says work emergencies sometimes must come first.

遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃并摁下按钮。Break the glass and press the button in case of emergencies.

相信我吧,没人会为紧急状况存钱而后悔的。Believe me, no one ever regrets saving money for emergencies.

在紧急情况期间怎样预防与水有关的疾病?How can water-related diseases be prevented during emergencies?

钱总是不够用,根本不可能节省下来以备急用。Money is always scarce and there is none saved for emergencies.

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以下是地铁公司管理紧急事故的流程。The way that MTRCL manages emergencies is shown in the follow chart.

一些公司给你提前支薪以解个人燃眉之急。Some companies will give you a salary advance for personal emergencies.

产科急诊的模拟模式培训能达到效果吗?。Can Simulation Model Training for Obstetrical Emergencies Improve Outcome?