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其他的动物则藏在帐篷附近。The others hid near Bear's tipi.

他们问这两只幼熊怎么不见他们的妈妈。By the tipi were two young bears.

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在湖岸边燃着篝火,篝火旁边有个帐篷,帐篷旁边有两只幼熊。By the lake burned a campfire with a tipi beside it.

就在书中,是一份印给所有人的、全世界最好的避难营的蓝图。Right there for all to see was a blueprint of the world's best tipi.

沿街而下是一个大的印第安人临时的布房子称做印第安帐篷。Just down the street is a large Indian temporary cloth house called a tipi.

狩猎锥帐提高城邑法律和部队训练程度,同时为城邑提供食物来源。The Hunters Tipi trains men to fight, increases food production and helps maintain law.

这个回答当然有道理,但是笔者感觉有点踢皮球,把责任推给了普通民众。The answer of course right, but I feel a bit Tipi Qiu, the blame to the general public.

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盔甲锥帐中聚集部落中熟练工匠,专心打制美洲常见木制战甲。The Armour Maker's Tipi houses the tribesman most skilled in making the wooden armour common throughout the tribe.

狩猎棚屋提高城邑法律和部队训练程度,同时为城邑提供食物来源。The hunters Wigwam trains men to fight, provides food for the tribe and keeps the tribes in line even more so than a Hunters Tipi.

湖上及平原上的圆锥型棚屋是由几个柱子轻轻地搭在地面上的,柱子上方系在一起,用厚厚的草盖着伫立于在湖泊乡村。The tipi tent-housing of the upper lake and plains area was put up with poles set lightly in the ground, tied together near the top, and covered with bark and grass in the lake country.

其他的动物一看到母熊掉进水里,就立刻跑进帐篷里,拉出了装着热的袋子。The other animals were watching the hunt from the other side, and as soon as they saw the mother Bear floundering in the water, they ran into the tipi and pulled down the bag containing the heat.