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肯尼亚发生了牛瘟。Rinderpest took place in Kenya.

而肯尼亚正试图做这方面的引路人。Kenya is trying to lead the way.

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以供应给肯尼亚蒙巴萨港。To supply to Mombasa port, Kenya.

贫民窟之游在肯尼亚正处于起步阶段。Slum tourism is taking off in Kenya.

他还将访问尼日利亚和肯尼亚。He will also visit Nigeria and Kenya.

留尼旺,南非和肯尼亚摩洛哥。Reunion, South Africa and Morocco. Kenya.

中国已与肯尼亚加强贸易往来。China already does booming trade with Kenya.

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在肯尼亚,音乐是生活的重要组成部分。Music is an important part of life in Kenya.

他在肯尼亚出生并在那度过了他的早年岁月。He was born and spent his early years in Kenya.

大多数的游客来肯亚都是来看动物的。Most visitors to Kenya come to see the animals.

南部肯尼亚,皇树繁河岸。In southern Kenya they thrive along river banks.

它希望能保持对来自肯尼亚的某些商品的关税。It wants to keep some taxes on goods from Kenya.

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肯尼亚在过去22年里一直无脊髓灰质炎。Kenya has been polio-free for the last 22 years.

奥巴马回想起他的父亲,一个肯尼亚移民。Obama recalled his father, an émigré from Kenya.

肯尼亚陆军购买了15架,韩国购买了144架。The Kenya Army bought 15 MD500MD, Korea had 144.

在内罗毕非法枪支被销毁,肯尼亚。Illegal weapons are set aflame in Nairobi, Kenya.

肯尼亚马塞马拉,狮子袭击一只水牛。Lions attack a buffalo on the Masai Mara in Kenya

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但是他依然跟肯尼亚保持着紧密的联系。Nevertheless, Lagat retains strong ties to Kenya.

想要在肯亚的草原上追逐大象的踪影吗?Want to track an elephant on the plains of Kenya?

他也因是肯雅种植园主而闻名。He also distinguished himself as a planter in kenya.