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还有champurrado,一种很浓的巧克力玉米汁,非常适合在冬天喝。And champurrado, a thick corn-based, chocolaty drink, perfect for a cold day.

或者试试七龙珠像巧克力蛋糕,这是富人和加巧克力的和很有趣。Or try the Dragonball-like chocolate cupcake, which is rich and chocolaty and just plain fun.

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深红的色泽中隐约可见淡淡的浅紫,樱桃和浆果的清香与甘草和巧克力的混合气味达到完美均衡。Deep red with light, purple hues. Cherry and berry aromas are balanced with a hint of licorice and chocolaty oak.

同理,研究人员说道,橙色的杯子可能会加深咖啡的巧克力色,从而加深口味。Likewise, researchers say the orange cup might enhance the chocolaty brown color of the cocoa, and enhance flavor.

该产品富含松软甜巧克力饼的精华,又有脆香米的口感。The Chocolate Crisp flavor has all the chocolaty goodness of a soft fudge brownie, but with the light crunch of crisped rice.

纯饮的口感有如香甜的麦芽饼乾、草莓和黑胡椒,与淡淡一抹薄荷和让人暖和的巧克力尾韵。The unreduced palate has sweet malt biscuits, strawberries and black pepper and a touch of menthol, with a warming chocolaty finish.

酒质十分优雅,蕴含淡淡的熏肉及水果的辛香与口味。酒体适中,丹宁精致,富含果香,回味带有些许水果与巧克力的芬芳,颇为隽永。Very elegant, with slightly meaty, spicy fruit aromas and flavors. Medium-bodied, with fine, fruit-coated tannins and a long, fruity, chocolaty finish.

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以防当你观察自己的摄糖量的时候以为你真的不能享受美味的甜点,让这些柔软的,巧克力般的东西证明你错了。Just in case you thought you couldn't enjoy really luscious desserts if you're watching your sugar intake, let this velvety and chocolaty treat prove you wrong.

他每次经过就会开始走得很慢,很慢,好会高高抬起鼻子,深深吸几次弥漫四周的绝妙巧克力香味。And every time he went by he would begin to walk very, very slowly, and he would hold his nose high in the air and take long deep sniffs of the gorgeous chocolaty smell all around him.

用如烘焙至如巧克力般香浓的爪哇咖啡,配合非洲以富含咖啡因而著名的罗布斯塔咖啡,我们调制出了这一款浓重而强力的高咖啡因饮品。By dark roasting the chocolaty , rich arabica from Java along with some of Africa's best caffeine-rich robusta beans, we created a blend that is intensely strong and has a high-caffeine kick.