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草原田鼠就是其中之一。The prairie vole is one such animal.

啊,卓玛,草原上的姑娘卓玛拉。Zhuoma, on prairie girl Zhuoma pulls.

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大草原是理想的小麦田。The prairie was ideal for growing wheat.

这匹骏马在广阔的草原上奔跑腾跃。The steed ran and pranced on the prairie.

我看见一群鹿在草原上吃草。I saw a herd of deers grazing in the prairie.

金花鼠和草原犬鼠都属于松鼠类动物。Chipmunks and prairie dogs are kinds of squirrels.

一条旧围栏贯穿积满雪的草场。An old rail fence runs through snow-dusted prairie.

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狼,特别是草原狼--被称为中国古代文明的图腾崇拜和自然进化的发动机。Wolf prairie God, the meaning of totem is a pattern!

一个是在高原上嚎叫,一个是在毛发里游弋。One howls on the prairie and one prowls on the hairy.

把旧金山作为草原城市来规划。San Francisco was platted as if it were a prairie town.

金鸡菊野花开花在德克萨斯州海岸大草原。Coreopsis wildflowers bloom on the Texas coastal prairie.

在得克萨斯州的沿岸草原,野波斯菊迎风开放。Coreopsis wildflowers bloom on the Texas coastal prairie.

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一场F3级龙卷风旋转着掠过南达科塔一个牧场。A category F3 tornado swirls across a South Dakota prairie.

供鸟类以及草原土拨鼠吃的食物也少了。There was less food for birds and also for the prairie dog.

一个牛仔在大草原上从马背上摔了下来,摔断了腿。A cowboy fell off his horse and broke his leg on the prairie.

从生下来,小鹰就以为自己是一只松鸡。All his life, the young eagle thought he was a prairie chicken.

曾经的草垛上的草原景观熟悉的景象。The haystack was once a familiar sight on the prairie landscape.

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力图恢复大草原的研究者们不经意问起过这个问题。This was the question the prairie restorers inadvertently asked.

一些展品有玻璃展示区域,例如草原土拨鼠。Some exhibits have glass viewing areas, like for the prairie dog.

十年前,斯威特沃特镇只是一个在北美草原上苦苦挣扎的弹丸之地。Ten years ago it was just one more struggling speck on the prairie.