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羊在羊栏里很安全。The sheep are safe in the sheepfold.

傍晚之前我们要回到羊圈。By evening we return to the sheepfold.

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当你认为狗可信,狼已偷偷把羊圈进。While you trust to the dog,the wolf slips into the sheepfold.

当你以为狗可信,狼已偷偷把羊圈进。While you trust to the dog! the wolf slips into the sheepfold.

这时我就会马上出去找它,把它带回羊圈。I go immediately to find it and bring it back to the sheepfold.

不能请羊管菜园,不能请狼管羊圈。Don't trust a goat with the kitchen garden , or a wolf with sheepfold.

它对那只正在羊圈的一角静静孵蛋的母鹅说话。He mentioned this to the goose, who was sitting quietly in a corner of the sheepfold.

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在梦中,他看见他的羊圈被破坏,牧羊人失踪了,他的圣杯从钉子上掉了下来。He sees his sheepfold abandoned, his shepherd's staff disappears, his sacred cup falls off its peg.

她找到了一个被人遗弃的旧挤奶凳子,就将它安在了韦伯猪圈旁边的羊栏里。She found an old milking stool that had been discarded, and she placed the stool in the sheepfold next to Wilbur's pen.

祂甚至称自己为羊的门,但在这段经文中,最显眼的是牧人对自己羊的爱。He even calls himself the gate of the sheepfold. But it's the shepherd's love for his sheep that stands out in this passage.

只要想想一个人在这新世界,在自己小木屋,身居自己的玉米田和土豆地,一边还有羊圈,说什么钱难挣!Only think of a man in this new world, in his log cabin, in the midst of a corn and potato patch, with a sheepfold on one side, talking about money being hard!

常言道“亡羊补牢,为时已晚”,作为一个聪明的体育组织应该懂得防范于未然。A good saying is "it's very late to mend the sheepfold after a sheep is lost". It's very important for an intelligent sport organization to know a good preparation.

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在那个白天快要结束的时候我发现小杰克正在朝一个危险的深谷走去,我把它抓起来放在肩上带回了羊圈。At the end of the day I found little Jake wandering dangerously toward a steep gorge. I picked him up, put him on my shoulders and carried him back to the sheepfold.