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翠鸟和新干线高速列车The Kingfisher and the Shinkansen Train

你坐的高铁是日本新干线E2型列车。The G train you ride are Kawasaki Shinkansen E2 models.

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第一次在日本看到新干线时,我深感震撼。The first time I saw the Shinkansen in Japan, I was shocked.

然而,那些希望在郊区建设一条“新干线”的希望却落了空。Those hoping for a Shinkansen in their suburb, however, will be disappointed.

这是日本首次将新干线技术用于中国主干铁路传输网。This would mark the first major transfer of Japan's Shinkansen technology to China.

东海道新干线东京至小田原路段因停电而暂停运行。Tokaido Shinkansen from Tokyo to Odawara section suspended due to power failure operation.

在日本,新干线平均180英里每小时,并进行大约375,000名乘客每天。In Japan, the Shinkansen averages about 180 mph , and carries around 375,000 passengers per day.

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日本新干线速度最快的列车“隼”号5日投入运营,最高运行时速可达320公里。Japan's fastest train Shinkansen "Falcon" No. 5, in operation, maximum operating speed of up to 320 km.

山形新干线因为出现停电,目前上下新干线均处于停驶状态。Yamagata Shinkansen because of a power failure, present a new route up and down are in suspended state.

新华社电日本新干线速度最快的列车“隼”号5日投入运营,最高运行时速可达320公里。AP Japan's fastest train Shinkansen "Falcon" No. 5, in operation, maximum operating speed of up to 320 km.

今天,在东京站的16号月台上,有一座老人的雕像,那就是新干线之父——十河信二。Today, in Tokyo station platform of the 16 th, have a statue of the old man, and that is the father of the Shinkansen.

受此影响,山阳新干线上下行线路晚点最久达到45分钟,约6300人受到影响。Affected by Sanyo Shinkansen lines up and down the line the longest delays of 45 minutes, about 6300 people were affected.

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铁路运营部门正尽力改善新干线和窄轨列车的运行能耗。Railway operators have been making efforts to improve energy consumption in the operation of Shinkansen and narrow-gauge trains.

在日本东北地区的山形新干线与秋田新干线等路段,列车与动物相撞事件时有发生。In the Tohoku region of Yamagata Shinkansen and Akita Shinkansen and other roads, trains and animals when the collision occurred.

广岛总汇酒店属于高级酒店之一,地理位置理想,再加上附近便有广岛地铁站,交通十分方便。A complete high-grade city hotel facilitated in an ideal location directly connected to the Shinkansen Line's JR Hiroshima Station.

日本东部铁路局停运了东北地区的新干线子弹头列车,该地区的许多其他列车也停运。East Japan Railway suspended Shinkansen bullet trains in the Tohokuregion, and many other train lines in the region suspended operation aswell.

本月15日,东北、山形和秋田3条新干线线路曾因电气系统故障而全部停运了4个多小时。September 15, the northeast, Yamagata and Akita Shinkansen lines Zengyin 3 electrical system failures and all were abandoned more than 4 hours.

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东日本旅客铁路公司已经暂停了新干线子弹列车在东北地区的运行,其他在此地区的列车线路暂停运行。East Japan Railway suspended Shinkansen bullet trains in the Tohoku region, and many other train lines in the region suspended operation as well.

我坐过法国的巴黎里昂间告诉火车,坐过德国的ICE火车,所以很想知道他们和“新干线”相比较会如何。I had been travelling on TGV trains in France and on ICE trains in Germany, so I was eager to find out how these would compare to the Shinkansen.

东北新干线东京至郡山路段、上越新干线部分路段及长野新干线全线暂停运行。Tohoku Shinkansen from Tokyo to Koriyama section, a section of the Joetsu Shinkansen Nagano Shinkansen and across the board to suspend operation.