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死在上流社会的两大霍尔登。Death in High Society by Inez Holden.

只有伊内兹有勇气去公然反对他。Only Inez has the courage to speak out against him.

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消费者商品安全委员会主席特南鲍姆说,我们现在准备好了着手解决这个问题。We are now ready to get to work fixing this problem, ' said CPSC chief Inez Tenenbaum.

不仅如此,伊内兹认为一些女人的子宫喜欢扮演领导者的角色。Not only that but Inez thinks some women have wombs that prefer to play a leadership role.

美国消费者商品安全委员会主席伊内兹·特南鲍姆本月早些时候来中国参加了一次美中消费者产品安全峰会。CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum went to China earlier this month for a U. S. -China consumer product safety summit.

对于有抱负的美国小说家吉尔彭德,幻想来活着,他与他的务实访问未婚妻伊内兹巴黎。For aspiring American novelist Gil Pender, the fantasy comes alive as he visits Paris with his pragmatic fiancée Inez.

消费品安全委员会的五名委员,包括主席伊内兹特南鲍姆,预计将举行公开会议,审查在不久的将来TSCP。The CPSC's five commissioners, including Chairman Inez Tenenbaum, are expected to hold a public meeting to review the TSCP in the near future.

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为了一个大公司员工关系经理职位面试的伊奈兹要突出她团队合作和引导别人成功的能力。Interviewing for a Manager of Employee Relations position in a large company, Inez emphasized her ability to work in teams to coach others to success.

为了一个大公司员工关系经理职位面试的伊奈兹要突出她团队合作和引导别人成功的能力。Interviewing for a Manager of Employee Relations position in a large company, Inez emphasized her ability to work in teams and to coach others to success.

在一个大多数女人只能当奴隶,而且没有任何发言权的社会里,她是一名女学究,对世界产生了深远影响。Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz is one of them. She made a deep impact in the world, by being a female intellectual in a world where most women led a life of servitude and silence.

美国消费者商品安全委员会主席伊内兹·特南鲍姆本月早些时候来中国参加了一次美中消费者产品安全峰会。In a public meeting in New York late last year, the chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Inez Tenenbaum, addressed parents' concerns about dangerous Chinese-made toys.

第一,在华访问的美国消费者产品安全委员会主席伊内兹·特南鲍姆称,将要求中方为其输美石膏板造成的美国用户损失进行赔偿。First, Inez Tenenbaum, Chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, claimed that China should compensate the affected American users for its problematic drywall exports.