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“史界革命”的倡导。The advocacy of "history revolution".

我们必须加强宣传,提高可见度。We must raise visibility for stronger advocacy.

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通过宣传教育,现在这方面已经有所改观。This has changed, through education and advocacy.

鼓吹违法行为更有助于提升这种可能性。Advocacy of law-breaking heightens it still further.

鼓吹性新闻有着漫长而光荣的历史。Advocacy journalism has a long and honorable history.

一些隐私权利团体反对在汽车上装设黑匣子。Some advocacy groups oppose putting black boxes in cars.

或者为宣传机构工作,这些机构都不算是法律事务所。or do things, you know, advocacy work that's not a law firm.

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“仁政”是儒家治国的一项重要主张。Benevolence was an important Confucian advocacy in ruling states.

另外一些支持团体对辐照的长期性安全感到怀疑。And some advocacy groups question the long-term safety of irradiation.

1985年,德莱尼帮助成立了艾滋病倡导团体,告知工程。In 1985, Delaney helped build the AIDS advocacy group, Project Inform.

需要加强宣传和强化卫生系统,没有任何停步不前的理由。Advocacy needs to be enhanced. We also need health system strengthening.

是的,对于美国人来说,我们的民主有明显的道义成分。Yes, for Americans there is a significant moral component to our advocacy.

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数月以来,我们教导它们如何呼救,并表述动物保护相关信息。For months, we taught them how to speak messages of help and animal advocacy.

促进会领导人之一,对于潜在暴力事件的言论非常重视。Breen, the advocacy leader, is taking the talk of potential violence seriously.

对这类问题,你如何平衡科学的客观性与宣传正确的主张呢?On an issue like this, how do you balance scientific objectivity with advocacy?

2007年,蒋勤勤和丈夫陈建斌携手代言了“伊利婴幼儿奶粉”。In 2007, Chen and her husband Jiang Qinqin advocacy work, " Erie infant formula."

这一概念的教学方法导致倡导折衷主义在上世纪80年代。This concept of teaching methods led to the advocacy of eclecticism in the 1980s.

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他们的宣传有足够的政治影响力,迫使利比亚实施了减刑。Their advocacy had enough political impact to pressure Libya to exercise clemency.

他们这种主张缺乏马克思主义观点,缺乏阶级观点,是错误的。Their advocacy is wrong, for they lack the Marxist viewpoint, the class viewpoint.

我不知道我的宣传和对别人的开导会不会有效果,但我要去做。I do not know my advocacy and enlighten others will be effective , but I want to do.