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土状一个感觉。An earthy feeling.

摩羯座是土相星座。Capricorn is an earthy sign.

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面条用的是质朴的荞麦面。For noodles, I used earthy buckwheat soba.

土鸭蛋含有什么维生素?。What vitamin does earthy duck's egg contain?

有什么快速治疗感冒的土办法?What treats the earthy way of the cold quickly?

现在,我们要添加更多的现实化元素。Now we are going to start adding more earthy elements.

深巧克力褐带粉红和金色光芒。Deep, earthy chocolate brown with pink and gold shimmer.

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我们是简单、直率的生物,被我们的感觉支配。We are simple, earthy creatures, governed by our senses.

柔和色、大地色也很易于搭配和装饰。Soft, earthy colors also are easy to match and accessorize.

把茶叶渣倒在花盆里,能保持土质的水分。Pour tea broken bits in flowerpot, can retain earthy moisture.

连续吃了几周饭店后,他现在很想吃原汁原味的家常菜。After dining out for weeks, he now misses earthy home-made food.

但我真的很喜欢休闲和质朴的风格。but I am really into, kind of like, casual, kind of earthy look.

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我并不只是在谈论网格系统和粗陋的屏幕设计。I’m not just talking about grid systems and earthy screen designs.

湿润的玉米粉蒸肉充满着泥土的气息?Is the masa in the tamales moist, with a sweet, earthy corn flavor?

高不可攀的塔从尘土飞扬的泥土表面伸出来。Unreachable towers protrude upwards from the dusty, earthy surface.

广藿香有一种很多人喜欢用作香水的可爱泥土香味。Patchouli is a lovely earthy scent that many like to wear as perfume.

她的形象经过多年的变换,已从卖弄风情的狐狸精变为朴实的母亲。Her image has evolved over the years from vamp vixen to earthy mother.

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约翰是个声音洪亮的大个子,有着平易近人的幽默感和天生的社交魅力。He's a big man with a sonorous voice, earthy humor, and gregarious charm.

感觉起来芥末的味道更强,而且少了原来我不能接受的那种土一般的感觉。More mustardy heat, with less of the earthy note that I can't get on with.

独自地,嗅闻著泥土的气息,不时地,于静默中伫立。Solitary, smelling the earthy smell, stopping now and then in the silence.