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小树抽出了嫩芽。The saplings are budding.

玫瑰丛正在含苞待放。The rosebushes are budding.

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玫瑰花正在含苞待放。The rose bushes are budding.

我成了一个暂露头角的组织者。I was a budding organization man.

读者要是一个潜在的作者The reader should be a budding author.

染红了树叶,染红了待放的花朵。Dye red leaves, dye budding flower red.

孕育幼芽的枝条伸展着扇子招摇。The budding twigs spread out their fan.

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读者要是一个潜在的作者“The reader should be a budding author."

它把你含苞欲放的美名污染!Doth spot the beauty of thy budding name!

崔维斯和珊曼莎刚开始谈恋爱。Travis and Samantha have a budding romance.

在这首诗中,含苞待放的花朵象征着青春。In this poem, the budding flower means youth.

杰姬看到卡蕾,就开车走了。Jackie see card, they drive away the budding.

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它有一个正在成长的萌芽社区。It has a budding community growing in activity.

种子生长靠地,水,火和风。Budding rests upon earth, water, fire, and wind.

萌芽力强,萌蘖性强。Budding force is powerful, bud Nie sex is strong.

我深信我女儿还太稚嫩,所谓的保皇意识在她的思想里还没有萌芽。My daughter, I'm confident, is no budding royalist.

新秀作者可以注册在ficly.com上投稿。Budding writers can register to contribute at

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卡蕾跑出来时看到杰姬坐在车里伤心。Card when see Jackie ran out budding sitting in car sad.

新的毛细血管通过存在的小静脉发展而成。New capillaries form by the budding of existing venules.

北方有寡头的趋势,南方也一样The North had budding oligarchies, just like the South did.