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这些全都有关,小伙子。It's all relative chap.

是的,他是个有意思的家伙。Yes, he was a nice chap.

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他真的是一个很好的小伙子。He is much of a good chap.

他这个人真不争气。This chap has let us down.

他是个挺友好的小伙子。He's a friendly sort of chap.

这小伙子个头儿不小。This young chap is very tall.

这个人样子真凶。This chap looks really fierce.

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你叫什么名字,小伙子?What is your name, young chap?

我知道你是一个十分可靠的小伙子。I know you're a good safe chap.

在这种干燥的气候下,我的嘴唇皲裂了。My lips chap in this dry weather.

这小伙子中等个头儿。This young chap is of medium height.

俺从来没看见过象你这样的笨货。I never saw such a clumsy chap as you.

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我还没见过那么爱管闲事的小子。That's the interfering chap I ever see.

他确实拥有他的园林,这个能干的家伙。He really does own his wood, this able chap.

他的林子确实是属于他的,这个能干的家伙。He really does own his wood, this able chap.

“生物物理学的运算”第六章。Koch, C. Chap. 6 in Biophysics of Computation.

马丁是个不爱讲话、喜欢沉思默想的小伙子。Martin is a quiet, contemplative sort of chap.

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人的嘴唇和手在冬天常常皲裂。A person's lips and hands often chap in winter.

本文第五章重介绍了测试软件的编写。Chap 5deals with the development of test software.

她嘴唇这么大,抹冻疮膏必须发明喷射装置。Her lips so big, Chap Stick had to invent a spray.