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我卖给左翼和右翼。I sell to leftist and rightist.

防左反右是我的信条!Anti-rightist and leftist is my creed!

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这个国家由一个急进派的政府统治。The country is ruled by a leftist government.

芒塔尔班是巴塞罗那的顽固热爱者,他还是一个左派人士。Vázquez Montalbán was a diehard Barcelona fan and leftist

中国左翼美术家联盟在上海成立。The Alliance of the Leftist Artists is founded in Shanghai.

第一章“背向文学的文学新定义”,是对左翼文学本体论的研究。Chapter one studies on the literature ontology of the Leftist.

反美的左翼民族主义力量中的一支犹如魅影般陡然而升。A spectre has arisen, one of anti-American leftist nationalism.

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首先拉斐尔科雷亚,左派经济学家,赢得总统宝座。First Rafael Correa, the leftist economist, won the presidency.

他命令钟离去除掉国民党左派关武。He ordered the clock go away with the kuomintang leftist GuanWu.

最后,也最为悲哀的,是那些支持艾哈迈迪内贾德的左派。Finally, and saddest of all, are the leftist supporters of Ahmadinejad.

约翰在政治方面是左派份子,而在棒球场上则是左撇投手。John was a leftist in politics and a left-handed pitcher in the diamond.

喂,有没有人注意到小说“圣诞颂歌”具有危险的左派倾向?Hey, has anyone noticed that “A Christmas Carol” is a dangerous leftist tract?

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早在六个月前左派领导人已经把美国大使驱逐出境。The leftist leader already had expelled the U.S. ambassador six months earlier.

其次,鲁迅的左倾也体现在对国民党当局的批判中。Again, Lu also showed his leftist mind in his criticism of the Guomingtang authorities.

这是左翼媒体首推的社会准则,他们希望我们能照顾到每个人的癖好。It is the leftist media's preferredsocial code, and they want us to assume it's everyone's preference.

1954年出生于瑞典北部小城的斯蒂格·拉赫松一直是位虔诚的左派分子。Larsson, who was born in a village in the north of Sweden in 1954, was an ardent leftist all his life.

NPR新闻的西尔维娅·伯格里报道梵蒂冈称指控源于一次左派反牧师运动。NPR's Sylvia Poggioli reports the Vatican says the charges stem from a leftist anti-clerical campaign.

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大学成了汇聚着因为学生意见不同而加以惩罚的左派老师的污水池。Universities are cesspools of leftist professors who punish students who express differences of opinion.

这是为什么民主党里支持救市计划的人没有违背他们的左派倾向。That is why the Democrats who supported the bailout were not being inconsistent with their leftist leanings.

“左派政治家正逐渐地失去其阵地,因为他们对如何向民众履行诺言做得太不够了”。Leftist politicians are losing the battle because they have not cared enough to deliver the goods to the people.